walterl / proton-privoxy

Privoxy over ProtonVPN in Docker
MIT License
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ProtonVPN Privoxy Docker

Docker container for setting up a Privoxy proxy that pushes traffic over a ProtonVPN connection.

Build Docker image:

docker build -t walt3rl/proton-privoxy .

Run Docker container:

docker run -d \
     --device=/dev/net/tun --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
     -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
     -p 8888:8080 \
     -e PVPN_USERNAME=my_protonvpn_openvpn_username \
     -e PVPN_PASSWORD=my_protonvpn_openvpn_password \
     --name proton-privoxy walt3rl/proton-privoxy

Or with this docker-compose.yml:

version: "3"
    image: walt3rl/proton-privoxy
    container_name: proton-privoxy
      - PVPN_USERNAME=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      - PVPN_PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - 8888:8080
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /dev/net/tun
      - NET_ADMIN

This will start a Docker container that

  1. initializes a protonvpn CLI configuration
  2. refreshes ProtonVPN server data (connects to
  3. sets up an OpenVPN connection to ProtonVPN with your ProtonVPN account details, and
  4. starts a Privoxy server, accessible at, that directs traffic over your VPN connection.


curl --proxy


Multiple VPN connections on the same machine

While not impossible, it is quite the networking feat to route traffic over specific VPN connections. With this Docker image you can run multiple containers, each setting up a different VPN connection which doesn't affect your host's networking. Routing traffic over a specific VPN connection is then as simple as configuring a target application's proxy server.

Share a VPN connection between devices on your LAN

Run a container on one machine, and configure multiple devices on your network to connect to its proxy server. All connections that use that proxy server will be routed over the same VPN connection.

Free privacy filtering, courtesy of Privoxy

Why did I choose Privoxy? Mostly because it's the simplest HTTP proxy to configure, that I've used before.

~[Anti-feature] ProtonVPN's DNS leak protection doesn't work~

UPDATE: This is no longer an issue, because Docker now allows /etc/resolv.conf to be updated while a container is running. It's recreated by Docker on container restart, but that doesn't matter, since ProtonVPN (and DNS_SERVERS_OVERRIDE) will modify it during startup.

~Docker prevents containers from changing the servers used for DNS lookups, after startup. This prevents ProtonVPN from using its own leak protecting DNS server. In fact, at the moment it causes a non-fatal error in protonvpn.~

~Ensure that you're using privacy respecting DNS servers on your Docker host, or manually specify secure servers for the container via --dns options.~


You can set any of the following container environment variables with docker run's -e options.


Required. This is your ProtonVPN OpenVPN username and password. It's the username and password you would normally provide to protonvpn init.

If you're using Docker Secrets, you can use PVPN_USERNAME_FILE and PVPN_PASSWORD_FILE instead.


Your ProtonVPN account tier, called "your ProtonVPN Plan" in protonvpn init. The value must be the number corresponding to your tier from the following list (from protonvpn init):

0) Free
1) Basic
2) Plus
3) Visionary

Default: 2


The protocol that the OpenVPN tunnel will use. Corresponds to the -p flag of the protonvpn CLI tool, and the "default OpenVPN protocol" prompt in the protonvpn init process.

Default: udp


Any arguments you want to pass to protonvpn. For example, if you want protonvpn to connect to a random server, set this to "connect --random". Remember the quotes.

See the protonvpn docs for supported commands and arguments.

Default: "connect --fastest" (Select the fastest ProtonVPN server.)


Set to 1 to log debugging details from protonvpn to the container's stdout.

Default: empty (debug logging disabled)


If you want to expose your proxy server to your local network, you need to specify that network in HOST_NETWORK, so that it can be routed back through your Docker network. E.g. if your LAN uses the network, add -e HOST_NETWORK= to your docker run command.

Default: empty (no network is routed)


Comma-separated list of DNS servers to use, overriding whatever was set by ProtonVPN. For example, to use Quad9 DNS servers, set DNS_SERVERS_OVERRIDE=,

Default: empty (ProtonVPN's DNS server is used)