Simple exchange:
To enter a dev shell with all the necessary build tools, use nix develop
find -name '*.?pp' | entr -s "cmake --build build"
The CI automatically builds and pushes to the Cachix cache. However, to push manually (e.g. when updating nixpkgs/clang):
nix build --json \
| jq -r '.[].outputs | to_entries[].value' \
| cachix push walton98
The cache is write-restricted and an authentication token is required to push to it.
The system is comprised of an accounts system and a matcher system. Both of these components are sharded and have a load balancer to handle the routing of messages. The load balancer is also responsible for retransmission of missed messages, as well as ordering and storing the input.
flowchart LR
LA1[Acct Load Balancer]
subgraph Accounts
LA1 --> A1 & A2 & An
LM[Matcher Load Balancer]
subgraph Matcher
A1 & A2 & An --> LM --> M1 & M2 & Mn
LA[Acct Load Balancer]
M1 & M2 & Mn --> LA
Each unit internally looks as follows:
subgraph U[Unit]
direction TB
C[Consumer] --> QI[Input Queue]
QI --> E[Engine]
E --> S[Snapshotter]
E --> QO[Output Queue]
QO --> WAL
QO --> P[Producer]
It would be possible to have the account and matcher parts communicate directly and for each one to be responsible for storing it's own queue and broadcasting it to replicas and retransmitters. This sort of design is discussed in this talk.