(assuming a flake similar to https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Flakes#Using_nix_flakes_with_NixOS)
Add to inputs
in flake.nix
flake-programs-sqlite.url = "github:wamserma/flake-programs-sqlite";
flake-programs-sqlite.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
Then just add the module.
Usage with a minimal system flake:
inputs.nixpkgs.url = github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-22.11;
inputs.flake-programs-sqlite.url = "github:wamserma/flake-programs-sqlite";
inputs.flake-programs-sqlite.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = inputs@{ self, nixpkgs, ... }: {
nixosConfigurations.mymachine = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules =
(import configuration.nix)
The module's functionality is enabled as soon as the module is imported.
Add flake-programs-sqlite
to the arguments of the flake's outputs
Add programs-sqlite-db = flake-programs-sqlite.packages.${system}.programs-sqlite
to the specialArgs
argument of lib.nixosSystem
Add programs-sqlite-db
to the inputs of your system configuration (configuration.nix
and to the configuration itself add:
programs.command-not-found.dbPath = programs-sqlite-db;
NixOS systems configured with flakes and thus lacking channels usually have a broken
. The reason is that the backing database programs.sqlite
is only
available on channels. The problem is that the channel URL can not be determined from
the nixpkgs
revision alone, as it also contains a build number.
This is an attempt to provide a usable solution, motivated by https://discourse.nixos.org/t/how-to-specify-programs-sqlite-for-command-not-found-from-flakes/22722/3
The channel page is regularly scraped for the revision and file hashes, then a
lookup table from revisions to URL and hashes is amended with any
new information.
The lookup table is used to create a fixed-output-derivation (FOD) for programs.sqlite
based on the revision of nixpkgs
passed as input of this flake.
see TL:DR above
The flake provides a minimal devshell, but hacking on the code with a editor and
running nix run .#updater
is valid, too.
Development happens on the tooling
branch, which is then merged into the main
branch. Updates to the JSON file go directly to main
. Releases of the tooling are
also cut from the tooling
branch. There are no releases for the JSON files.
e.g. to fetch info for older revisions/releases from before this project was started
[ -f sources.json ] || echo {} > sources.json
nix run github:wamserma/flake-programs-sqlite#updater -- --dir:. --channel:https://releases.nixos.org/nixos/20.03/nixos-20.03.2400.ff1b66eaea4
Multiple channels/revisions may be passed for a single run.
If no channel is given, the current channels are guessed and their latest revisions are fetched.
The Nim code to scrape the metadata is released under MIT License.
The Nix code to provide the FODs is released under MIT License.
The database itself (JSON) is public domain.