wandb / wandb

🔥 A tool for visualizing and tracking your machine learning experiments. This repo contains the CLI and Python API.
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[Feature]: Random Color Generation #7068

Open ahyunsoo3 opened 3 months ago

ahyunsoo3 commented 3 months ago


As such above the image, when job_type is generated, sometimes the color is made of similar colors with others, requiring to manually change the color as distinguished one.

Suggested Solution

Making new color types based on the R, G, B values far from the previous or entire the values of job_type's RGB.


No response

Additional Context

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JoanaMarieL commented 3 months ago

Hi @ahyunsoo3 ,thank you for sharing this one. Is there any special config/settings you made for this one. Or a code snippet so we could check and try to repo this on our end? Would also like to know the impact to your workflow in this request that we can include in our write up.

JoanaMarieL commented 2 months ago

Hi @ahyunsoo3 , since we have not heard back from you we are going to close this request. If you would like to re-open the conversation, please let us know!