wandersoncferreira / code-review

Code Reviews in Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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bitbucket code-review emacs github gitlab

GPL v3 MELPA Tests

Code Review

Package to help you perform code reviews from your VC provider. Currently supports Github and basic Gitlab and Bitbucket workflows.

Demo of code review package

Link to same PR on Github: https://github.com/wandersoncferreira/dotfiles/pull/5


The Emacs everywhere goal continues. These are the main features of code-review to help you never leave Emacs to do Pull Request reviews.

Highly recommend using the transient menu in the *Code Review* buffer by pressing r.

The basic workflow:

You can include your own bindings to functions like code-review-set-feedback, code-review-submit-approve, code-review-submit-request-changes, and code-review-submit-comments to not rely on the transient panel. But I think you should see it :]

Take a look at which features are available to each integrated forge here.

Missing something? Please, let us know.


I highly recommend installing code-review through package.el.

It's available on MELPA.

M-x package-install code-review

Then you can either M-x code-review-start and provide a PR URL or M-x code-review-forge-pr-at-point if you are in a forge buffer over a PR.


Code Review

If you want to see pretty symbols enable emojify package:

(add-hook 'code-review-mode-hook #'emojify-mode)

Define line wrap in comment sections.

(setq code-review-fill-column 80)

Change how code-review splits the buffer when opening a new PR. Defaults to #'switch-to-buffer-other-window.

(setq code-review-new-buffer-window-strategy #'switch-to-buffer)

Change the destination where binary files is downloaded.

(setq code-review-download-dir "/tmp/code-review/")


Use passwords configured for forge. The default is 'code-review.

(setq code-review-auth-login-marker 'forge)

Doom Emacs users

I've noticed that *Code Review* buffer is not added into the current workspace in Doom emacs. If you have workspaces in your $DOOMDIR/init.el file, consider the following snippet:

(add-hook 'code-review-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            ;; include *Code-Review* buffer into current workspace
            (persp-add-buffer (current-buffer))))

Insecure private instances

If your private instance is HTTP not HTTPS, then you need to add the host to the following variable.

(setq ghub-insecure-hosts '("hostname.com"))

Forge specific

Follow the documentation to your version control provider to see more details for the setup and configuration.


You can access the transient panel by hitting r from any place of the Code Review buffer.

Transient keybindings

Binding Object Action
RET hunk Add Comment
RET comment Add Reply
RET local comment (not sent to forge yet) Edit local comment
C-c C-k local comment Delete local comment
C-c C-c Comment Buffer Register your local comment
C-c C-k Comment Buffer Cancel your local comment
C-c C-r comment Add Reaction
C-c C-n comment Promote to new issue
C-c C-r pr description Add Reaction
RET reaction (on emoji symbol) Endorse or Remove Reaction
RET Request Reviewer Request reviewer at point

Binding suggestions

You can place code-review-forge-pr-at-point to a key binding for your convenience:

(define-key forge-topic-mode-map (kbd "C-c r") 'code-review-forge-pr-at-point)

If you are not an Evil user you can set the letter k, for example, to delete a local comment or feedback at point.

(define-key code-review-feedback-section-map (kbd "k") 'code-review-section-delete-comment)
(define-key code-review-local-comment-section-map (kbd "k") 'code-review-section-delete-comment)
(define-key code-review-reply-comment-section-map (kbd "k") 'code-review-section-delete-comment)

Move between comments using C-c C-n and C-c C-p

(define-key code-review-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-n") 'code-review-comment-jump-next)
(define-key code-review-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-p") 'code-review-comment-jump-previous)

Extension to other forges

The package allows you to write integration with other forges to leverage these functionalities. Take a look at code-review-interfaces.el to see which functions need to be implemented.


Thanks Laurent Charignon for the awesome github-review package and stewardship. Github Review made me more familiar with the problem domain and code-review is an attempt to build on top of it.

Thanks Ag Ibragimov for the amazing idea to use magit-section to build a more suitable interface to this problem.