wang-kang-6 / CGT

MIT License
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This repository contains the code to reproduce results of the [Breast Cancer Classification from Digital Pathology Images via Connectivity-aware Graph Transformer]() paper.

Overview of the proposed approach.

Clone this repository, create a conda environment and activate it:

git clone <this repository>
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate cgt

Running CGT requires 3 steps:

All the experiments are based on the BRACS dataset. BRACS is a dataset of Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) histopathological images for automated detection/classification of breast tumors. BRACS includes >4k tumor regions-of-interest labeled in 7 categories (Normal, Benign, UDH, ADH, FEA, DCIS, Invasive).

In order to download the BRACS dataset, you need to create an account there. Then, go to Data Collection, Download, and hit the Regions of Interest Set button to access the data. Download the previous_version data. The data are stored on an FTP server.

We provide a script for TG construction, which highly relies on the histocartography library.

cd core

After such construction, the TG is constructed in [*.bin] file format and the data dir should look like:

|__ tissue_graphs
    |__ train
    |__ test
    |__ val

We provide a script for training CGT as:


To set more parameters, we provide the usage as:

usage: [-h] [--tg_path TG_PATH]
                [-conf CONFIG_FPATH]
                [--model_path MODEL_PATH] [--in_ram] [-b BATCH_SIZE]
                [--epochs EPOCHS] [-l LEARNING_RATE] [--out_path OUT_PATH]
                [--logger LOGGER]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tg_path TG_PATH     path to tissue graphs.
  -conf CONFIG_FPATH, --config_fpath CONFIG_FPATH
                        path to the config file.
  --model_path MODEL_PATH
                        path to where the model is saved.
  --in_ram              if the data should be stored in RAM.
  -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        batch size.
  --epochs EPOCHS       epochs.
  -l LEARNING_RATE, --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
                        learning rate.
  --out_path OUT_PATH   path to where the output data are saved (currently
                        only for the interpretability).
  --logger LOGGER       Logger type. Options are "mlflow" or "none"

The output of this script will be a directory containing three models corresponding to the best validation loss, validation accuracy and weighted F1-score.

We provide a pretrained checkpoint, of which the test weighted F1 score is 66.9%.

We also provide a script for running inference with the option to use a pretrained model.

For instance, running inference with a pretrained CGT model:
