wangfuli / T-HyperGNNs

Tensor-based hypergraph neural networks
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This is the implementation for the work "T-HyperGNNs: Hypergraph Neural Networks Via Tensor Representations", submitted to IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems


If you find this work useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={T-HyperGNNs: Hypergraph neural networks via tensor representations},
  author={Wang, Fuli and Pena-Pena, Karelia and Qian, Wei and Arce, Gonzalo R},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems},

Getting Started


Our code requires Python>=3.9.

You also need these additional packages:

Download Datasets

Please download the datasets from GoogleDrive and copy the dataset directory into this repository.


usage: python
      [--data_type DATA_TYPE] [--dataset DATASET] [--hyperG_norm HYPERG_NORM]
      [--model MODEL] [--self_loop SELF_LOOP] [--num_layers NUM_LAYERS]
      [--hid_dim HID_DIM] [--dropout DROPOUT] [--layernorm LAYERNORM]
      [--batchnorm BATCHNORM] [--lr LR] [--wd WD] [--train_ratio TRAIN_RATIO]
      [--valid_ratio VALID_RATIO] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--num_exps NUM_EXPS]
      [--cuda CUDA] [--seed SEED] [--combine COMBINE] [--M M] [--Mlst MLST]

optional arguments:
  --data_type DATA_TYPE           data type (coauthorship/cocitation/3dObject/new) (default: new)
  --dataset DATASET               dataset name (e.g.: cora/dblp for coauthorship,
                                  cora/citeseer/pubmed for cocitation, ModelNet40/NTU for 3dObject,
                                  House/Walmart for new) (default: House) 
  --hyperG_norm HYPERG_NORM       whether normalize hypergraph adjacency tensor (default: False)
  --model MODEL                   T-HyperGNN Model(T-Spectral, T-Spatial, T-MPHN) (default: T-MPHN)
  --self_loop SELF_LOOP           whether add self-loop to hypergraph (default: False)
  --num_layers NUM_LAYERS         number of HyperGNN layers (default: 1)
  --hid_dim HID_DIM               the dimension of embeddings at the hidden layer (default: 256)
  --dropout DROPOUT               dropout probability after UniConv layer (default: 0.6)
  --layernorm LAYERNORM           whether use layer normalization (default: True)
  --batchnorm BATCHNORM           whether use batch normalization (default: True)
  --lr LR                         learning rate (default: 0.001)
  --wd WD                         weight decay (default: 0.0005)
  --train_ratio TRAIN_RATIO       ratio of training data (default: 0.5)
  --valid_ratio VALID_RATIO       ratio of validation data (default: 0.25)
  --epochs EPOCHS                 number of epochs to train (default: 100)
  --num_exps NUM_EXPS             number of runs for repeated experiments (default: 10)
  --cuda CUDA                     cuda id to use (default: 0)
  --seed SEED                     seed for randomness (default: 1)
  --combine COMBINE               the combine operation in T-MPHN (e.g., concat, sum))
  --M M                           the maximum cardinality of the hypergraph (default: 3)
  --Mlst MLST                     the maximum cardinality of the hypergraph at each layer, max(Mlst) = M (default: [3])


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