wanghaisheng / OHDSI-Research

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数据共享中安全的考虑 #39

Open wanghaisheng opened 5 years ago

wanghaisheng commented 5 years ago

wanghaisheng commented 5 years ago

We follow highest European Security Standards

Data lake on cloud Two stage authentication of servers No remote db access – all ports blocked Data in db encrypted – decrypted only run-time by applications Virtual Private Clouds (restricted instances) – no access to peer Private IPs never disclosed to outside world Proxy server based db access (even to the applications) Access in proxy server maintained via public – private key infra

Cyber Security

Real time monitoring with ELK No personal device policy (all drives closed) At par with ISO 27001 Continuous monitoring and alerts on every hardware Regular internal audits

Enterprise Data

Connection to client’s enterprise data store through IPSec tunnel (secured one to one communication) Even backup is encrypted Entire source code maintained on private Git
