wanghaisheng / OHDSI-Research

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OHDSI 机构研究人员的观点

OHDSI 中国大会上的分享


Journey toward Patient-Level Prediction

The journey toward Population-level Effect Estimation

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute(PCORI)Eugene Washington Engagement Award

The journey toward Clinical Characterization

OHDSI Symposium 2016

Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI): A Rapidly Growing International Network for Open Science and Data Analytics in Healthcare

An Open Science Approach to Medical Evidence Generation: Introducing Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics

Applying Hill's criteria as a framework for causal inference in observational data

Applying Hill's criteria as a framework for causal inference in observational data

Translation of Open-Source Analytics into Patient-Centered Care

OHDSI in action: Real-world evidence for clinical characterization

Application of the OHDSI CDM on Korean Healthcare System

Experiences from the OHDSI international data network

NYC-CDRN Informatics Center

Data Network Panel OHDSI Symposium


Common Data Model (CDM) & Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) Tutorial

Design and implementation of a comparative cohort study in observational healthcare data Tutorial

Overview of the CohortMethod package Tutorial

Walkthrough of implementing a cohort study using OHDSI tools Tutorial

Reproducing Graham et al. 2014 using the CohortMethod package Tutorial

OHDSI Technology Stack Tutorial

Vocabulary tutorial Theory, principles, and practical applications

Study designer track: Deep dive into cohort study design using ATLAS

Open-Source Big Data Analytics in Healthcare