wangjohn / creditly

An intuitive credit card form
MIT License
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An intuitive credit card form. Check out the live demo to see Creditly.js in action.


Creditly.js gives you everything you need in order to create a sleek, intuitive credit card form. Just copy the html, css, and javascript to get an intuitive credit card form in seconds. You get credit card validation (using the Luhn algorithm) for free!


To integrate, you just need to do the following things:


Creditly supports multiple themes. Each can be used with the same CSS and javascript (src/creditly.css and src/creditly.js). However, the HTML for each theme can have slight differences. You can find the HTML for each of the themes under the src/themes folder.

Currently, Creditly.js supports the following themes (each can be viewed on the demo website):

Submitting A Form

When a user wants to submit a form, Creditly.js can be used to perform validation on the fields, and return an output of the results if the validation succeeded. An example usage would be the following:

var creditly = Creditly.initialize(
    '.creditly-wrapper .expiration-month-and-year',
    '.creditly-wrapper .credit-card-number',
    '.creditly-wrapper .security-code',
    '.creditly-wrapper .card-type');

$(".creditly-card-form .submit").click(function(e) {
  var output = creditly.validate();
  if (output) {
    // Do something with your credit card output.

The first part of the above example instantiates the creditly object in the creditly variable. Then, whenever the .creditly-card-form .submit button is clicked, we perform a validation by using creditly.validate().

The creditly.validate method will return one of two things:

Errors in Validation

Whenever an error occurs after you call the validate method on a Creditly object, an event will be triggered on the HTML body element. This event, named creditly_client_validation_error, will contain a data object with the selectors of the inputs that failed validation and also the messages of the failed validation. The data has a selectors and a messages property.

If jQuery exists on the page, then a jQuery event will be triggered on the body element and can be accessed like so:

$("body").on("creditly_client_validation_error", function(e, data) {
  alert(data["messages"].join(", "));

If jQuery does not exist on the page, then a MessageEvent will be fired on the body element and can be accessed like so:

document.body.addEventListener("creditly_client_validation_error", function(e) {
  alert(["messages"].join(", "));
}, false);

You can change the error messages by specifying the error messages upon Creditly object initialization. The initialize function can take a fourth options argument. The possible options are:

For example, we could initialize the Creditly object with different error messages like so:

var options = {
  "security_code_message": "Your security code was really wrong!",
  "expiration_message": "Check yo' expiration date yo!"
var creditly = Creditly.initialize(
    '.creditly-wrapper .expiration-month-and-year',
    '.creditly-wrapper .credit-card-number',
    '.creditly-wrapper .security-code',
    '.creditly-wrapper .card-type',

Shameless Plug

This project is something that spun off of work at Zinc, an API for making ecommerce purchases. Please check out the docs or contact if you're interested!