wangke16 / MSMC-IM

A tool for estimating time-dependent migration rates based on cross-/within-population coalescent rates from MSMC
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MSMC-IM fits a continuous Isolation-Migration(IM) model with time-dependent population sizes N1(t) and N2(t), and a time-dependent continuous symmetric migration rate m(t) to the estimated coalescence rates from MSMC/MSMC2, which essentially is a re-parameterization from the triple of functions {λ11(t), λ12(t), λ22(t)} to a new triple of functions {N1(t), N2(t), m(t)}. To use MSMC-IM, you need to run either MSMC or MSMC2 to get an estimate on within-pop coalescence rates and across-pop coalescence rates. With MSMC output/combined MSMC2 output as input, we simply run MSMC-IM model by “ pair.combined.msmc2.txt > newestimates.output”. Also the time pattern needs to be specified, which is by default 1*2+25*1+1*2+1*3 as the default in MSMC2. In the output, MSMC-IM will rescale the scaled time in MSMC2 output by mutation rate 1.25e-8 (human) into real time in generations, and report symmetric migration rates and M(t) in each time segment.

Citation: Wang K, Mathieson I, O’Connell J, Schiffels S (2020) Tracking human population structure through time from whole genome sequences. PLoS Genet 16(3): e1008552.

Getting Started

The program is written in python. Python 3 is required here. To use, you have to import all neccessary functions written in Make sure you download both python scripts for running MSMC-IM.

Guidance of usage on

usage: MSMC_IM [-h] [-mu MU] [-o O] [-N1 N1] [-N2 N2] [-m M] [-p P] [-beta BETA] 
               [--printfittingdetails] [--plotfittingdetails] [--xlog] 

Estimate time-dependetn migration rates through fitting IM model to coalescent
rates from MSMC

positional arguments:
  Input                 Time dependent within-pop coalescent rates and cross-
                        pop coalescent rates for a pair of populations, e.g. t

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -mu MU                mutation rate of species. Default is 1.25e-8 for human
  -o O                  output directory and prefix of output
  -N1 N1                Initial constant effective population size of Pop1 to
                        start fitting process. Default=15000
  -N2 N2                Initial constatnt effective population size of Pop2 to
                        start fitting process. Default=15000
  -m M                  Initial symmetric migration rate between two pops to
                        start fitting process. Default=0
  -p P                  Pattern of fixed time segments
                        [default=1*2+25*1+1*2+1*3(MSMC2)], which has to be
                        consistent with MSMC2 or MSMC(default=10*1+15*2)
                        output you are using here
  -beta BETA            Regularisation on estimating migration rat and population sizes. 
                        The bigger, the stronger penalty is.
                        Recommend: 1e-8,1e-6
                        Print detailed infomation during fitting process e.g.
                        estimated split time from M(t) midpoint, initial and
                        final Chi-Square value, estimated coalesent rates from
                        IM model. Defaul=False
  --plotfittingdetails  Plot IM estiamtes on popsize, coalescent
                        rates, in contrast to MSMC estimates. Default=False
  --xlog                Plot all parameters in log scale on x-axis.
                        Default=False. Recommend to add this flag.
  --ylog                Plot all parameters in log scale on y-axis.

You can find the example of input and output in the example filefolder. To get the output files in MSMC-IM/example/MSMC_IM_output, you need to run using the input file by the following command line: -beta 1e-8,1e-6 -o /MSMC-IM/example/MSMC_IM_output/Yoruba_French.8haps --printfittingdetails --plotfittingdetails --xlog /MSMC-IM/example/

Penatly option --beta is always recommended while running modern human population pairs.

You need to specify the directory and prefix of your output through option -o, to generate the output .estimates.txt in the ceratin directory with your preferred prefix. The time boundaries is reported in generations in our ouput (gen=29 years). Here is an example of .estimates.txtfile:

left_boundaries im_N1   im_N2   m   M
0.0 198574.94595123047  39273.17391589546   3.9776767728370866e-25  0.0
69.80536    198574.94595123047  39273.17391589546   3.9776767728370866e-25  0.0
158.8328    198574.90056850316  39280.953360444604  3.9776767728370866e-25  0.0
272.3768    57003.32828207908   62637.81824920013   3.9776767728370866e-25  0.0
417.1872    26649.753206298024  30539.007130749862  3.9776767728370866e-25  0.0

Here we report M(t) evaluated at each time boundaries. As the cumulative probabiliy function of m(t), M(t) is a continuous distribtuion which can be evaluated at any given time t. plot_utils.pyenables you to plot M(t) at given specific time grid, simply by -o /outdir/Yoruba_French.oranyprefix -tmax 100000 -n 100 /dir/to/Yoruba_French.estimates.txt to get /outdir/Yoruba_French.oranyprefix.plot_M_t.pdf.

You have the option for printing these internally estimated parameters while fitting through option --printfittingdetails. If you would like to have a nice plot showing you how the fit looks like, you can plot these paramaters through option --plotfittingdetails, and option --xlog is always recommend. See .fittingdetails.txt and .fittingdetails.b21e-06.xlog.pdf in the /example/MSMC_IM_output/ filefolder. Here is an example of .fittingdetails.txtfile:

left_boundaries IM_lambda00 IM_lambda01 IM_lambda11 IM_rCCR MSMC_lambda00   MSMC_lambda01   MSMC_lambda11   MSMC_rCCR   msmc_N1 msmc_N2 naive_im_N1 naive_im_N2 im_N1   im_N2
0.0 2.51794101016e-06   0.0 1.27313366898e-05   0.0 2.3872624999999995e-06  3.0992375e-08   1.2872249999999997e-05  0.004062039989809636    209444.91860446855  38843.248072403825  198574.94595123047  39273.17391589546   198574.94595123047  39273.17391589546
69.80536    2.51794104905e-06   3.53345281497e-28   1.27313417205e-05   4.63425443461e-23   2.3872624999999995e-06  3.0992375e-08   1.2872249999999997e-05  0.004062039989809636    209444.91860446855  38843.248072403825  198574.94595123047  39273.17391589546   198574.94595123047  39273.17391589546
158.8328    2.51794168655e-06   8.03375725192e-28   1.27288313578e-05   1.05383050283e-22   2.3872624999999995e-06  2.4664625e-08   1.2872249999999997e-05  0.003232688462360774    209444.91860446855  38843.248072403825  198574.90056850316  39280.953360444604  198574.90056850316  39280.953360444604
272.3768    8.76519248136e-06   8.63705230112e-28   7.98671961388e-06   1.03117211361e-22   9.0226575e-06   2.465625e-08    7.7467375e-06   0.0029406248704857865   55416.045660604985  64543.299679381154  57003.32828207908   62637.81824920013   57003.32828207908   62637.81824920013