wangmi811 / RPASE

The package RPASE (Read-backed Phasing-based ASE detection) implements an algorithm for identifying genes which show allele-specific expression (ASE) on a per-individual and per-gene basis, using RNA-seq read count data.
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How to use RPASE


The package RPASE (Read-backed Phasing-based ASE detection) implements an algorithm for identifying genes which show allele-specific expression (ASE) on a per-individual and per-gene basis, using RNA-seq read count data. It takes a VCF containing variants phased using read-backed phasing from Genome Analysis Toolkit and applies an extra-binomial exact test which takes the interdependency of local read counts into consideration. RPASE leverages information across SNPs and controls for overdispersion in read counts. The details of the statistical approach implemented by RPASE can be found in the accompanying paper.

Note that RPASE can be applied to any study unit (genes, exons, etc.) as specified by the annotation supplied.

Caveat Emptor

Input data

RPASE requires information on (1) genomic variants phased using read-backed phasing in GATK, and (2) an annotation file describing study units. Genomic variants would typically be provided in a single-sample VCF file, which can be read into R using a variety of packages. For example, with vcfR:

the.vcf <- read.vcfR("file.vcf")
phased.variants <- cbind(the.vcf@fix, the.vcf@gt)

The annotation information is contained in a four-column dataframe. This can be read directly from a BED file which includes interval names, or could be modified from a GFF/GTF file read using, for example, the GenomicFeatures package, which is part of BioConductor:

txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF("file.gff", format="gff")
annotation <-[,c(1,2,3,6)]
colnames(annotation) <- c("chromosome","gene.start","gene.end","")

We include some example variant and annotation dataframes as part of this package.


Generating a phased block list

The phased block list is a list of dataframes containing information for each study unit. RPASE provides the createPhasedBlockList function for creating a phased block list using variant and annotation information in the formats described above.

phased_block_list <- createPhasedBlockList(example_phased_vcf, example_annotation)

The createPhasedBlockList function provides additional options for filtering phased blocks on various criteria. The min.phased.sites option specified the minimum number of phased SNPs that a phased block must contain. The min.coverage option specifies the minimum number of reads a phased SNP must be covered by to be included in the phased block. The heter option specified the minimum number of reads that must be present for each allele for a SNP to be considered heterozygous. For defaults, see the function documentation.

The annotation information lists the study units requested by the user, but the variants may not contain sufficient phasing information to cover a complete study unit. In such cases, a phased block will cover the extent possible. If the phasing of variants within a study unit contains breaks, then the study unit will be covered by multiple phased blocks. In phased_block_list created above, two phased blocks were created for the single annotation entry named GeneA.

Users could also create their own phased block list. Note that the dataframe for each phased block contains three additional columns describing phase orientation and allele coverage. The index column contains 1 indicating a phase of 0|1, and -1 for a phase of 1|0; within phased blocks, these values may differ from those present in the input variant information so that each phased block has a consistent phase index. The AD1 and AD2 columns contain read counts for alleles one and two.

Estimating overdispersion

Overdispersion in read counts can be estimated directly from a phased block list using the phi.estimate function. This is the function used to provide the default overdispersion estimate for the runRPASE function.


There are only five phased blocks in example_phased_block_list, so the overdispersion estimate is quite biased, hence a warning about sample size will be generated if these specific commands are run directly. We provide a more realistic estimate for this dataset (0.3) in the example below.

Running RPASE

The runRPASE function tests each phased block sequentially, using a default overdispersion estimate calculated from the input phased block list. The value returned by runRPASE is a vector of named p-values, each representing the result of a RPASE test for a single phased block. The null hypothesis for each test is that there is no allele-specific expression within this phased block.

runRPASE(example_phased_block_list, phi=0.3, quiet=TRUE)

Running RPASE in parallel

For users who want to use multiple tests in parallel, the RPASE function is available, which tests a single phased block. For RPASE, the overdispersion estimate has no default value and must be precomputed using phi.estimate or another method.

my.phi <- 0.3
my.cluster <- makeCluster(4)
res <- unlist(parLapply(my.cluster, example_phased_block_list, RPASE, phi=my.phi))