wangqiuwen1006 / Medical-3D-Voxel-Classification

This is a classification of lung nodules using pytorch, it is the final project of SJTU-EE228.
9 stars 2 forks source link

About the EE228 #1

Open liudongxu-hu opened 4 years ago

liudongxu-hu commented 4 years ago

Hello, thank you for your sharing.Is EE238 a course?Where can I get a video of this class?I am looking forward to your reply.

wangqiuwen1006 commented 4 years ago

Hello, thank you for your sharing.Is EE238 a course?Where can I get a video of this class?I am looking forward to your reply.

EE228 is a course taught by teacher Bingbing Ni from the Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University. For knowledge copyright reasons, there is currently no channel for non-school personnel to see the video of the course. Thank you for your attention.

liudongxu-hu commented 4 years ago

Ok,thank you for your sharing!