wangqiuwen1006 / Medical-3D-Voxel-Classification

This is a classification of lung nodules using pytorch, it is the final project of SJTU-EE228.
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This is a classification of lung nodules using pytorch, it is the final project of SJTU-EE228.

Network Link

Extraction code:q5wg


Code Structure

acsconv: a converter that turns a 2D network into a 3D network
densenet: an implementation of 2D Densenet network, needs to be combined with a converter when using it
resnet3d: an implementation of 3D Resnet network
shake_shake: an implementation of Shake_shake network, needs to be combined with a converter when using it
vgg: an implementation of 2D vgg network, needs to be combined with a converter when using it
train_densenet169: a training program for densenet169 model
train_mixupresnet50: a training program for mixup-resnet50 model
train_mixupresnet50: a training program for resnet26 model
train_shake: a training program for shake_shake model
train_vgg: a training program for vgg model
test: load model

Program Running Instructions

You only need to run the test file to get the prediction of the test data. Please write the test data path before running, and the model and network files are in the same folder