wanze / TemplateEngineTwig

A ProcessWire module adding Twig templates to the TemplateEngineFactory.
MIT License
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processwire processwire-modules templateenginefactory twig-templates


Build Status StyleCI License: MIT ProcessWire 3

A ProcessWire module adding Twig to the TemplateEngineFactory.


The 1.x version of this module is available on the 1.x branch. Use this version if you still use TemplateEngineFactory 1.x.


Execute the following command in the root directory of your ProcessWire installation:

composer require wanze/template-engine-twig:^3.0

This will install the TemplateEngineTwig and TemplateEngineFactory modules in one step. Afterwards, don't forget to enable Twig as engine in the TemplateEngineFactory module's configuration.

ℹ️ This module includes test dependencies. If you are installing on production with composer install, make sure to pass the --no-dev flag to omit autoloading any unnecessary test dependencies!.


The module offers the following configuration:

Extending Twig

It is possible to extend Twig after it has been initialized by the module. Hook the method TemplateEngineTwig::initTwig to register custom functions, extensions, global variables, filters etc.

Here is an example how you can use the provided hook to attach a custom function.

wire()->addHookAfter('TemplateEngineTwig::initTwig', function (HookEvent $event) {
    /** @var \Twig\Environment $twig */
    $twig = $event->arguments('twig');

    $twig->addFunction(new \Twig\TwigFunction('processwire', function () {
        return 'ProcessWire rocks!';

// ... and then use it anywhere in a Twig template:

{{ processwire() }}

The above hook can be put in your site/init.php file. If you prefer to use modules, put it into the module's init() method and make sure that the module is auto loaded.

Use Twig Extensions

The Twig Extensions is a library that provides several useful extensions for Twig.

These extensions are not included in the module by default, but you can add them to Twig using the same hook explained above.

Fist, install the library with Composer in the ProcessWire root directory: composer require twig/extensions. Next, use the same hook as above to register the desired extensions.

wire()->addHookAfter('TemplateEngineTwig::initTwig', function (HookEvent $event) {
    /** @var \Twig\Environment $twig */
    $twig = $event->arguments('twig');

    // Register the extensions.
    $twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_Text());
    $twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_I18n());
    $twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_Intl());