warjort / tatters

Tatters Fabric Skyblock
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Tatters Skyblock



Table of Contents


A skyblock mod for Fabric/Minecraft. With support for single player, server and team play using user defined skyblocks.

The name "Tatters" is a bad pun on the word "Fabric".

Tatters uses the notion of a lobby and satellite skyblocks. The skyblocks are on a 1000x1000 grid by default.

When the first person logs into a world, the lobby will be created at roughly 0,0. This is just a normal skyblock. The world spawn is set to the lobby's location.

NOTE: The lobby is actually created at 8,8. Like all skyblocks, Tatters tries to place them in the centre of a chunk.


To create a skyblock world in single player mode, use the "more options" button in the create new world screen and select world type "Sky Block".

You use the lobby as your skyblock in single player.

Click "Customize" to change the skyblock definition.

Optionally you can also choose a lobby, but normally you would leave this as "--" in single player, meaning it will use the skyblock definition.


To create a skyblock world for a server, change the "level-type" to "tatters" in server.properties.

If you are just collaborating with friends, you can use the lobby as your skyblock.

For a more public server, it is recommended to add a command block with a button to the lobby that runs the command "tatters home @p".
This will allow non-op users to create new islands and be teleported to them automatically.

There is an example lobby skyblock in config/tatters/skyblock/example-lobby.json


There is rudimentary support for teams. You first need to create your minecraft teams, e.g. "/team add teamName".

Then you can use the command "tatters team @p teamName" in a command block (one per team) to have players create and move to their team's skyblock.


The configuration file tatters.json can be found at mod-pack-root/config/tatters/tatters.json


The skyblock definition files in mod-pack-root/config/tatters/skyblocks allow you to define your own skyblocks.

Tatters has some predefined skyblocks:

The skyblock configuration options are:

The layers are a three dimensional array, e.g. 3x3 bedrock below 3x3 dirt from the default.json:

  "layers": [

The mappings have three elements, only the first is required for simple blocks

This is the example chest configuration from traditional.json. The properties say it faces north, it's a single chest and it's not waterlogged. The nbt says it contains a lava bucket in slot 0 and 2 ice blocks in slot 1.

    "c": {
      "block": "minecraft:chest",
      "properties": {
        "facing": "north",
        "type": "single",
        "waterlogged": false
      "nbt": "{Items:[{Slot:0b,id:\"minecraft:lava_bucket\",Count:1b},{Slot:1b,id:\"minecraft:ice\",Count:2b}]}"

Some technical notes:

The fillers have two elements, they are applied from the bottom of the world

This is an example from the stone configuration:

  "fillers": [
    { "block": "minecraft:bedrock", thickness: 1 },
    { "block": "minecraft:stone", thickness: 250 },
    { "block": "minecraft:lava", thickness: 5 }

NOTE: when using fillers make sure you include air blocks (spaces) in your skyblock layers to remove the filler material


Type the command "/tatters help" in game, to see the available commands. Or you can see the help in the translations file below.

The commands are mainly meant for server play, you will need permssion level 2 to use them. You can give access to other players via command blocks.


To make your own translation, add a resource pack with an assets/tatters/lang/xx_yy.json
Please feel free to contribute back any translations you make.
