#### 名前
#### やったこと、やっていること、全体に対しての進捗
#### これからやること確認
#### 困っていること、懸念点、相談
#### 共有事項(あれば)
Too much free time? This will definitely NOT be fun
### Captchas
- [X] I have read the instructions.
- [X] I have searched existing issues and avoided creating duplicates.
- [X] I am not filing an enhancement request.
### What happened?
Just updated…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
_A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]_
I did a pull on 20241111 and got a l…
This issue was made by a bot 🤖...
Attempting to test the feature flag cleanup process.
### Feedback
It states in 'Selecting output source': "The Spotify API cannot initiate playback to a device not already known to the Spotify API." However it's not immediately clear what this means ex…
왜 없죠?
You can create a new repository called bigdaddyx26.github.io, which will automatically be converted into a static website by GitHub itself. You can add an index.html which will load first, and the res…
왜 없죠???