I tried working with ArUco library, and ArUco with ROS.
I have a problem that is the estimated pose data is really noisy. I used Kalman filter with the result but the problem is that sometimes, the library doesn't detect the marker despite being in the same pose. I read that this may be because of the small number of detected corners. Do you think using another marker can make difference? What do you suggest to solve this problem?
Thank you
Hello, I tried working with ArUco library, and ArUco with ROS. I have a problem that is the estimated pose data is really noisy. I used Kalman filter with the result but the problem is that sometimes, the library doesn't detect the marker despite being in the same pose. I read that this may be because of the small number of detected corners. Do you think using another marker can make difference? What do you suggest to solve this problem? Thank you