warpas / juggernaut-project

A simple Ruby script to export time logged through Toggl to Google Calendar
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Toggl -> Google Calendar exporter

A simple Ruby script to export time logged through Toggl to Google Calendar

Getting started

  1. Install Ruby (link to a source on how to do that)
  2. Generate Google Calendar credentials in the first step of their Ruby tutorial.
    • Enter the name of the App
    • Select "Desktop app"
    • Click on "Download Client Configuration"
    • Move and rename that file as lib/google/credentials.secret.json. Alternatively paste those values inside of lib/google/credentials.secret.json.example and remove the .example extension.
  3. Add Toggl config file. Rename lib/toggl/config.secret.json.example to lib/toggl/config.secret.json and fill the required values. You can get your API token from Toggl's user profile page. Make sure it's inside quotation marks.
  4. Log some time in Toggl. Default settings work best with yesterday.
  5. Run bundle install
  6. Run scripts/send_toggl_to_calendar
  7. Check if the entries showed up in your Calendar!

Work outline

  1. Simplest possible export

    ✅ take total time logged yesterday

    ✅ create a single hour-long Google Calendar event on the same day

    ✅ put the duration in the event's description

    ✅ all of the configuration stored in .<file_name>.secret files

  2. Next step - Improved accuracy

    ✅ create more than one event, preferably with parity between Toggl and Calendar durations

    ✅ figure out how to handle time entries shorter than 15 minutes

    ✅ distinguish between Toggl projects

    ✅ add the option to input date instead of "days ago"

    ✅ add the weekly summary entry for "Work" calendar

  3. Next step - Streamlining configuration and release

    ✅ minimize required configuration (too many *.secret files now)

    ✅ choose the output calendar according to Toggl time entry tag

    ✅ initialized calendar as a fallback

    ✅ add 'Getting started' section

    ✅ add Google Sheets API auth & basic get call

    ✅ isolate Google APIs auth code from Calendar and Sheets specific code

    ✅ reason: Google Sheets API has most of the same code for auth as Google Calendar API

    ✅ streamline public interfaces

    ✅ specify the shape of v1.0

  4. Nice to have, but not necessary. Idea bag:

    ✅ add the function for copying all events from one calendar to another calendar

    ✅ add functionality for copying all events for one day between calendars
    ✅ reson: I've got some legacy calendars that I want to get rid of

    ✅ add the option to specify the calendar receiving input without messing with config files

    ✅ add a query for a list of all calendars from Google Calendar if possible
    ✅ check that query. Is it possible?

    ✅ RescueTime API before or after v1.0

    ✅ work weekly report separate from other weekly reports

  5. v0.1 release ✅ add first version tag to Github

  6. v0.2 release

    • update to Ruby 3.0 or higher
    • make sure the project runs on M1 Macs
    • handle Google's deprecation of OAuth out-of-band (OOB), move to a safer method
    • update existing Google Calendar and Sheets functionality so that it works on Ruby 3 and M1 Macs
      • add tests for Google integrations
      • review and update the public interfaces for Google integrations
  7. v.0.2.1 release

    • update Toggl integrations to work under v2.0 circumstances
    • add tests for Toggl integrations
  8. v1.0 release

    • publish it as a gem on RubyGems

    • add it in a different project (Rails app with simple web views)

    • add tests for the main interfaces

    • write clear config steps

      • test app config with a few people
      • streamline Toggl API to require as little config as possible. Probably the API key should be enough.
      • record a short screencast on Google Calendar config steps and paste it here if necessary.
      • make sure Google Calendar and Google Sheets don't override each other's tokens
      • separate credentials from the persistence layer
        • Google Calendar list of calendars shouldn't be stored in credentials file, because it's too much upfront config
        • Same for Google Sheets
  9. After v1.0

    • add the option to change calendar entry color

    • move to Github issues after this point (unlikely, but I'll give it a try)

    • integrate Todoist - adding tasks, reading a tasks list at minimum

    • integrate Trello - adding cards at minimum

    • add the option to specify Toggl workspaces

      ✅ fetch workspaces from Toggl

      • do it after UI
    • further Toggl development

      • add a function to list all untagged time entries
      • add a function to tag untagged entry
      • add a function for splitting events that ran past midnight
      • add an Apple Shortcuts automation for splitting events that ran past midnight