waschinski / photo-stream

Self-hosted, super simple photo stream
MIT License
449 stars 70 forks source link

Additional Gems #3

Closed ydreN closed 3 years ago

ydreN commented 3 years ago

Thank you for continuing this. I wanted to add this in case it saves someone else some time. I'm testing with: ruby 3.0.1p64 (2021-04-05 revision 0fb782ee38) [x86_64-linux] jekyll 4.2.0 To be able to use bundle exec jekyll serve I had to add gem "webrick", "~> 1.7" to the Gemfile and to get it to read the /.env file I had to add gem "jekyll-dotenv"

Then added -jekyll-dotenv under the plugins section of the _config.yml

Going to see if there is a way to randomize the photo names. So far I've just been running a script to do it before copying them into the folder

waschinski commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, I was actually expecting to get notified by new issues in this repo. :|

I must admit I am pretty new to Ruby and was mainly focusing on getting photo stream to run in a Docker container. So I simply went with a ruby 2.7.3 image in the Dockerfile and tried to get rid of all the log spam that occured first.

As you just found out the hard way, this means the project basically isn't ready for Ruby 3.0 yet. Sorry for that. :/ Glad to see you still got it running. And many thanks for sharing how!

Webrick obviously used to ship with Ruby but no longer does with Ruby 3.0 so that's why the gem has to be added now.

I was looking into jekyll-dotenv but it seems to basically do the same as jekyll-environment-variables. I wonder why it didn't work with the latter. But jekyll-dotenv seems to allow creating hashes from environment variables (so AUTHOR.NAME instead of AUTHOR_NAME would be possible) so it might be worth to go with it in the future.

waschinski commented 3 years ago

I just released a new version containing your fixes. Thank you very much!

Going to see if there is a way to randomize the photo names. So far I've just been running a script to do it before copying them into the folder

May I ask why you do randomize the photo names?

ydreN commented 3 years ago

I just released a new version containing your fixes. Thank you very much!

Going to see if there is a way to randomize the photo names. So far I've just been running a script to do it before copying them into the folder

May I ask why you do randomize the photo names?

No problem, I'm new to Ruby as well. Mainly just personal preference I'd rather have each picture as a unique url than the name the camera puts out. I can rename during export but it'll be more efficient for me as part of the build process

waschinski commented 3 years ago

May I ask why you do randomize the photo names?

Mainly just personal preference I'd rather have each picture as a unique url than the name the camera puts out. I can rename during export but it'll be more efficient for me as part of the build process

I see, but to me that actually sounds like a job for a shell script though which is what you are already doing.

I could try reworking the scripts in the _script folder and make a single one that accepts options. So instead of calling sh ./_script/build-n-lftp.sh you could call something like sh ./_script/build.sh --lftp --rand. Feel free to open a seperate issue for this if it sounds like a good idea to you. ;)