waschinski / photo-stream

Self-hosted, super simple photo stream
MIT License
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Support for resizing full screen images on mobile devices #50

Open KarstenRiisgaard opened 1 year ago

KarstenRiisgaard commented 1 year ago

If clicking an image to view it in full screen, you can't "pinch" to enlarge the image on mobile devices. Trying to do so will either close the picture or jump back/forth to other pictures. Would be excellent if you can click an image in the grid, view it full screen and then use familiar gestures to enlarge the image.

dumblob commented 1 year ago

Raising my hand for this as this was the first frustration I came across on desktop (so did I on a phone but I wanted to point out that it is not limited to phones).

At least a simple way to see the picture with 1:1 pixel-perfect zoom would be great.

waschinski commented 1 year ago

That's a good point, I will look into it once I got more time on my hands again.

@dumblob can you elaborate a bit more on what exactly was frustrating on desktop?

dumblob commented 1 year ago

@waschinski sure - clicking on an image in the stream opens it "full screen". But there is no way to show the image zoomed to match 1:1 pixels on your current display.

In fact there is no way to zoom at all. Instead as it stands one has to click the image in the stream, then obtain URL of the currently shown full-screen image (e.g. by right-clicking it and choosing "copy image URL") and then open it in a separate browser window/tab and first then one can zoom it using browser's capabilities (in Firefox it is simply "clicking it").

That is very cumbersome just to obtain pixel-perfect display of multiple images from the stream to see them sharp or to inspect them...

waschinski commented 1 year ago

Mh sounds like an "open image in a new tab" option would do the job, at least in your use case, wouldn't it?

dumblob commented 1 year ago

Well, that is exactly the culprit - that is very cumbersome when viewing more than one image :wink:.

Compare it to e.g. destop apps where one usually has in fullscreen mode (re)mapped mouse scroll wheel to zoom in/out and mouse middle button to return to 1:1 or to the "fit screen fullscreen".

thebiblelover7 commented 11 months ago

@waschinski any progress?