waschinski / photo-stream

Self-hosted, super simple photo stream
MIT License
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Add a "back to homepage" link #75

Open nicosomb opened 1 year ago

nicosomb commented 1 year ago

With the new header bar, a link to the homepage could be a nice improvement.

If you want, I can work on this easy issue next week.

waschinski commented 1 year ago

You are talking about something like a "back link" when displaying a photo? So basically the same that is happening when clicking the photo? For that, maybe the title could become a clickable link in the detail view.

Consider creating a new fork or clone freshly when requesting a PR though. As per the BFG website:

At this point, you're ready for everyone to ditch their old copies of the repo and do fresh clones of the nice, new pristine data. It's best to delete all old clones, as they'll have dirty history that you don't want to risk pushing back into your newly cleaned repo.

nicosomb commented 1 year ago

For that, maybe the title could become a clickable link in the detail view.

Hmm, not as easy as that... because we need to change the javascript ...