wasm-tool / parcel-plugin-wasm.rs

wasm-bindgen support for Parcel bundler
MIT License
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wasm-bindgen support for Parcel bundler



npm i --save-dev parcel-plugin-wasm.rs


extern crate wasm_bindgen;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;

pub fn foo(x: &str) -> String {
  if x == "abc" {
  } else {
import { foo } from 'path/to/Cargo.toml'

console.log(foo('abc'))    // yes
import lib from 'path/to/Cargo.toml'

console.log(lib.wasm)    // original wasm import data
console.log(lib.wasm.memory)    // memory data

With Profile

You can use the cli variable WASM_PACK_PROFILE={profile} to change the profile used by wasm-pack build.

For example: WASM_PACK_PROFILE=dev parcel src/index.html

The profile list is according to https://rustwasm.github.io/wasm-pack/book/commands/build.html#profile.