wassgha / MirrorOS

MirrorOS is an interface for smart mirrors and transparent screens with a J.A.R.V.I.S. touch to it
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MirrorOS is a lightweight user interface designed specifically for Magic Mirrors and transparent glass touch screens. The UI is built on NodeJS, React and Electron.

App Launcher

Video Demo


Automatic installer

Coming Soon.

Manual Installation

Please be aware that MirrorOS is currently at the "proof of concept" stage. Almost all features are broken/in an early stage. If you still wan to try the software, please follow this tutorial How to Install on a Raspberry Pi

First, clone the repo via git:

$ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/wassgha/MirrorOS.git MirrorOS

And then install dependencies with yarn.

$ cd MirrorOS
$ yarn

Note: If you can't use yarn for some reason, try npm install.


To deploy the app and run it in production mode, simply use:

$ npm start


Current features

To implement


Start the app in the dev environment. This starts the renderer process in hot-module-replacement mode and starts a server that sends hot updates to the renderer process:

$ npm run dev

Editor Configuration


apm install editorconfig es6-javascript atom-ternjs javascript-snippets linter linter-eslint language-babel autocomplete-modules file-icons





See electron-debug for more information.

How to write your own MirrorOS widget

Will be updated soon with a complete guide. Note: Class names and IDs starting with os and os- are reserved for the internal use of the MirrorOS runtime.



Non-commercial, private and educational use only except by written authorization.