water-fountains / proximap

a responsive Angular 6 web app for finding nearby fountains
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Wikidata Q-Number-Tester #247

Open mmmatthew opened 5 years ago

mmmatthew commented 5 years ago

Situation: A contributor creates a fountain in wikidata but does not provide coordinates, then tries to access the fountain via proximap by directly inputting the QID into the url. Today, the server simply rejects the request since the fountain is not indexed (since it has no coordinates).

What should happen:

  1. The server checks whether the fountain has already been processed.
  2. If not, the server queries wikidata using the provided QID
  3. The server checks whether criteria are fulfilled, e.g. is the entity a fountain and does it have coordinates and are the coordinates within the city indicated in the url. If the entity fails any of these tests, an informative error message should be returned.
  4. If all the tests pass, then the fountain should be added to the appropriate city cache and the detailed information should be returned.
ralfhauser commented 5 years ago

Maybe this could be labeled "Wikidata Q-Number-Tester" and could use the syntax of https://github.com/water-fountains/proximap/issues/244#issuecomment-497864209

mmmatthew commented 5 years ago

244 comment is a distinct feature request so I prefer not to mix them.

ralfhauser commented 5 years ago

3a) https://beta.water-fountains.org/ch-zh?l=de&i=Q64213962 should say: "wikidata item" exists, but not in the field of application (not a fountain)"

3b) https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q642139620001 does not exist already on the "native origin system", so the error message to the end-user could be "Q642139620001 not existing on WikiData - typo ?" https://beta.water-fountains.org/ch-zh?l=de&i=Q642139620001

ralfhauser commented 5 years ago

3c) another one should be "the wikidata item is referenced by osm amenity "xyz" but that one is not a fountain"

3d) or: this wikidata item lacks an osm "sparring partner" please create one (to be able to record tags like "bottle" , "wheelchair", "dog" etc.) ==> add a link to the osm fountain creation guide #176

3e) or: this wikidata item is correct, but not within the zone of a region supported by water-fountains.org (add a link to #150 , #133, #202, ...) yet