water-fountains / proximap

a responsive Angular 6 web app for finding nearby fountains
16 stars 10 forks source link
angular mapbox-gl-js open-data

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Proximap is a responsive web app written using Angular for finding nearby public infrastructure. Drinking fountains are used as a showcase example. It is being developed in conjunction with Datablue, a tool for collecting, aggregating, and serving fountain data from Open Street Map, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons, and Wikipedia. Check out the app at water-fountains.org, or beta.water-fountains.org to see a beta version of the app!

Supported cities

To have a city added, create a git issue.


The project is open source under the GNU Affero General Public License, with a profit contribution agreement applying under restricted conditions. See COPYING for information.

Running the project locally

Proximap requires a backend server (Datablue) to be running in order to display fountains.

  1. Requirements (make sure these are up to date)

    • NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime.
    • Git is a version control system you will need to have available as a command line executable on your path. A git integrated in your IDE will not be sufficient (and may cause issues).
    • Around 400-500MB of space on your disk. The project has development dependencies that are downloaded when you run > npm install (see point 3).
    • Angular CLI is a command line interface for Angular.
      • install Node first
      • Run > npm install -g @angular/cli to install globally
  2. Clone this repository to a local project directory. Checkout the develop branch to get all the latest features. The stable branch is updated at a less frequent interval to guarantee stability.

    • Run > git clone https://github.com/water-fountains/proximap.git -b develop.
  3. Open a command line in the local project directory

    • Install required node packages by running > npm install. If you update the project with > git pull, be sure to run npm > npm install again to update all packages.
    • run > npm run sync_datablue to replicate the two constants files from datablue (the datablue server must be running)
    • Launch the server by running ~/git/proximap$ npm run start 2>&1 | tee npm_pm_`date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S`.log. You can view the application by navigating to http://localhost:4200. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


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Submit an issue for a feature request, architecture suggestion, or to discuss a modification you have made or would like to make.

If you would like to contribute directly to the code:

To get ideas for how to contribute, see open issues.