waterloo-rocketry / minerva-rewrite

The rewrite of Waterloo Rocketry's custom slackbot
MIT License
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Minerva (The Rewrite)

What is Minerva?

Minerva is a Slack app/bot developed by Waterloo Rocketry to assist with meeting reminders and broadcasting messages between Slack channels.

What is the rewrite?

The previous iteration of Minerva runs using serverless functions on AWS. This project aims to rewrite Minerva so it can run on more traditional servers, along with various other improvements such as moving from JavaScript to TypeScript and improving the usability of the bot as a whole.

The original repo for Minerva can be found at https://github.com/waterloo-rocketry/minerva.


For a guide on using Minerva's features, you can see the corresponding pages on the Waterloo Rocketry Google Drive.


For detailed instructions on how to onboard and develop Minerva, refer to the following guides:


Thank you for your interest in developing Minerva! Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for information on setting up your environment, PR guidelines, and more.