waterslideLTS / waterslide

WaterSlide is a streaming event-at-a-time architecture for processing metadata. It is designed to take in a set of streaming events from multiple sources, process them through a set of modules ("kids"), and return meaningful outputs.
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WaterSlide — a lightweight streaming metadata processor

Updated March 2020

WaterSlide is an event-at-a-time architecture for processing metadata. It is designed to take in a set of streaming events from multiple sources, process them through a set of modules ("kids"), and return meaningful outputs. The user specifies a directed processing graph ("pipeline") of kids used to process data, both raw content (e.g., files, binary structures) and metadata about content. Kids can be filters, aggregators, annotators, decoders, translators, and collectors. Code is only executed when data is made available to a processing operation.

WaterSlide can be used as a streaming MapReduce framework for complex event processing. It is designed to efficiently process data by minimizing copies, grouping data, and reusing memory. It contains specially designed data structures intended to explore event correlation on a massive scale with data that is fragmented across process and systems. As with most stream processing frameworks, many WaterSlide processing functions favor efficient approximate computation over less-efficient exact computations.

WaterSlide can be used for a variety of purposes. It is used to generate interesting metadata from live data streams.

Key Features:


1.1 VERSION 1.0

1.1.1 version 1.0.0 (Release date: 18 July 2016)


2.1 BASIC WaterSlide BUILD

1) Set up the build environment

The WaterSlide package is distributed as either a compressed tarball (typically named waterslide<datetag>.tar.bzip2) or via a git repository. Set up your build environment based on your distribution environment.

If using Debian or Ubuntu you will need the following packages:

Extract the tarball:

$ tar xvfj waterslide<datetag>.tar.bzip2

Or, clone the git repository:

$ git clone ssh://<server>/<path-to-repository>

A directory named "waterslide" will be created in the current directory.

waterslide relies on the following libraries that must be installed in the build environment:

2) Build the package

$ cd waterslide
$ make -j

Note: In most situations, the -j option should be used to take advantage of multi-threaded compilation in order to complete the building process more efficiently. If there are resource limitations, the number of threads can be limited via a parameter (e.g., -j 8).

Note: In cases where your build environment already has protobuf libraries, you will need to add the waterslide/bin directory to the $PATH before compiling (see Step 3). This will ensure that the waterslide protobuf libraries are properly linked during compilation.

When compilation is complete, the following executables will be placed in the waterslide/bin directory, with symbolic links in the waterslide directory:

3) Add waterslide to the path

The WaterSlide tools can be directly invoked within the waterslide directory. For more flexibility, add the waterslide/bin directory to the execution $PATH shell variable.

$ source wssetup.sh


Once the WaterSlide tools have been built, they can be installed into a central location for general use:

$ cd waterslide
$ sudo make install     # must be privileged user

The waterslide files and libraries will be copied into the central location /usr/local/waterslide.

Note: If make install is invoked by an unprivileged user, the environment will be "installed" into the user's $(HOME)/local/waterslide directory.

If desired, the WaterSlide tools can be linked to enable general access to waterslide functionality:

$ ln -s /usr/local/waterslide/bin/* /usr/local/bin

Note: For use in a different environment, waterslide can be installed into a location of your choosing by setting the environment variable WS_INSTALL=<destination_path> before invoking make install. Each user would need to add <destination_path>/bin to their executable $PATH in order to easily invoke the tools.


The build process for the WaterSlide code base consists of a series of Makefiles in various subdirectories to create the WaterSlide components. To provide a consistent set of parameters, there is a make directive file src/Makefile.common that is included by each Makefile. The default build process starts at the top level directory and invokes the build process twice: (1) to create the waterslide executable and support files ("kids" or "procs") for use in serial processing; and (2) to create the waterslide-parallel environment.

By default, the build output is succinct. To display the specific compilation commands:


A number of kids that depend on non-standard components are only built by setting specific environment variables (e.g., HASPLPLOT=1) during compilation. View src/procs/Makefile or the output of the make process for details of the various build options.

The directory structure for the installed WaterSlide environment is:

This formulaic structure allows the executables to find the support files by searching relative to the executable's location at runtime. If some components are stored in a non-standard location, that can be specified by setting environment variables including WATERSLIDE_PROC_PATH, WATERSLIDE_ALIAS_PATH, and/or WATERSLIDE_CONFIG_PATH.


If changes are made to the core WaterSlide source code, you may need to "clean" your waterslide build before recompiling the code base:

$ make clean

The compiled WaterSlide libraries (not including the waterslide/protobuflib/lib libraries) and binaries will be deleted. In some extreme cases, you may also need to rebuild the waterslide protobuf libraries:

$ make scour

Finally, the WaterSlide tools can also be uninstalled (see Section 2.2):

$ sudo make uninstall

In this case, the waterslide files and libraries will be deleted from the central location /usr/local/waterslide (or $(HOME)/local/waterslide, if run by an unprivileged user).

Note: Uninstalling waterslide does not delete the waterslide binaries or libraries that were built in the $(HOME)/local/waterslide directory. Use make clean or make scour as described above.


WaterSlide documentation can be found in the following locations:

Additionally, each kid has command-line help that you can access with the wsman tool:

$ wsman -h       # documentation for wsman
$ wsman          # list of all kids
$ wsman print    # documentation for print kid
$ wsman -v print # verbose documentation
$ wsman -t input # input kids
$ wsman -s count  # string search