watertap-org / watertap-ui

User interface(s) (UI) for the WaterTAP library
MIT License
4 stars 13 forks source link


This repository is for work on the user interface (UI) for the WaterTAP library. The UI installer can be downloaded from our homepage at: https://watertap-org.github.io/

Getting started (developer)


The following steps assume that:

  1. conda is already installed and configured
  2. This repository (i.e. the WaterTAP UI repository, https://github.com/watertap-org/watertap-ui) has been cloned locally and the working directory is set to the root of the repository


1. Creating the Conda environment

Run the following command to create and activate a new Conda environment named watertap-ui-env:

conda env create --file environment.yml && conda activate watertap-ui-env

This will install the correct runtime versions of both the backend (Python) and frontend (JavaScript/NodeJS/Electron) portions of the UI, as well as the backend (Python) dependencies.

2. Install the JavaScript dependencies

Run the following commands to install the JavaScript dependencies:

npm --prefix electron clean-install
npm --prefix electron/ui clean-install

3. Install the IDAES solver dependencies

idaes get-extensions --verbose

4. (Optional) Install the developer version of WaterTAP

By default, Step 1 above will install the watertap Python package from the current main branch of the watertap-org/watertap repository.

To use the WaterTAP UI with the development version of WaterTAP, run the following steps:

4.0. (Optional) Clone the watertap-org/watertap repository locally

If you already have a local clone of the WaterTAP repository, you can skip this step.

Otherwise, run the following command to create a local clone of the WaterTAP repository in a directory of your choice, e.g. /path/to/my/watertap:

git clone https://github.com/watertap-org/ /path/to/my/watertap

4.1. Ensure that the watertap-ui-env Conda environment is active

conda activate watertap-ui-env

4.2. Uninstall the currently installed version of WaterTAP

pip uninstall --yes watertap

4.3. Install the development version of WaterTAP

The following assumes that the watertap-org/watertap repository has been cloned to a directory named /path/to/my/watertap.

bash -c "cd /path/to/my/watertap && pip install -r requirements-dev.txt"

Running the UI

Ensure that the watertap-ui-env Conda environment is active and all dependencies are installed

conda activate watertap-ui-env

Run UI in browser

cd <watertap-ui-path>/electron/ui
npm run app-start

Run UI with electron

cd <watertap-ui-path>/electron/ui
npm run electron-start

Running developer tests

There are three sets of tests that can be run: Python tests, JavaScript unit tests, and JavaScript end-to-end tests.

Running Python tests

To run the Python tests, make sure you have the appropriate version of watertap in your conda env. Then from the repository root directory run:

To run:

cd backend

This will take several minutes since one set of tests solves the UI flowsheets.

Running JS unit tests

The unit tests are written using the testing-library package.

To run:

cd electron/ui
npm run test

Hit 'a' for "run all tests" if you want to run tests regardless of what changed.

Running JS E2E tests

The end-to-end tests are written in Cypress.

Before running the tests, start the back-end server, in another process (or shell):

cd electron/ui
npm run start-backend

Then, to run the tests:

cd electron/ui  # if needed
npx cypress run

If there are errors, screenshots and videos can be found (in subdirectories named for each test) under electron/ui/cypress/screenshots and electron/ui/cypress/videos.

Building production Electron app

The following steps assume that:

  1. conda is already installed and configured
  2. The WaterTAP-UI package has been succesfully installed
  3. Watertap is cloned and installed locally. This is required for transferring data files (png and yaml)
  4. Watertap and Watertap-ui directories must be inside of the same parent directory.
  5. watertap-ui-env Conda environment is active

1. Transfer Entry points

cd <watertap-ui-path>/electron
npm --prefix electron run move-entrypoints

2. Create build distribution



1) Windows operating system 2) The following environment variables must be set


cd <watertap-ui-path>/electron
npm run dist:win

Mac (requires Mac OS):


1) Mac operationg system 2) Signed in to Apple developer account 3) A valid Developer ID Application certificate AND corresponding private key stored in keychain access


cd <watertap-ui-path>/electron
npm run dist:mac