wavelog / WaveLogGate

WLGate, the CAT-Bridge for WSJT-* and FLRig to Wavelog
MIT License
11 stars 2 forks source link

CAT and WSJT-X Bridge for Wavelog


WARNING // IMPORTANT! (When using AppleSilicon Mac)

If you use a newer mac (with M1,M2,M3, etc.) apple changed their policy for unsigned Apps. There's a workaround available, but you need the Terminal aka Shell for that. Instructions:

  1. Download Binary/DMG
  2. Copy Binary/DMG to Application-Folder
  3. Launch Terminal.app
  4. Type in the following:
    • xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/WaveLogGate.app
    • Launch the Application (should launch now)


  1. Download Binary
  2. Start Binary (for Windows: Start Binary and after that you have a NEW Binary. One can delete the old one)
  3. Fill in informations:
    • WAVELog-URL including index.php (if you setted it up with that)
    • API-Key (from Wavelog / Right Menu / API-Keys)
    • Station-ID (from Wavelog / Right Menu / See Stationlocations / small badge with station-ID)
  4. If you're running FLRig on the same machine put to FLRig-Host and 12345 to FLRig Port and enable it.
  5. Click "Test" - Button becomes green if working, Red with detailled issue below, when faulty.
  6. Click "Save" if everything is okay

WSJT-X (and derivates) SetUp:

Go To WSJT-X-Settings // Reporting Enable "Secondary UDP Server" like shown in the picture. Do NOT set "UDP Server" (above) to the same Port!





Contribution is welcome. PRs will only be accepted against the Dev-Branch.