.. figure :: docs/source/wavious_logo.png :align: center
The Wavious DDR (WDDR) Physical interface (PHY) is designed to be a scalable DDR PHY IP that meets high performance, low area, and low power requirements across multiple JEDEC DRAM protocols. Initially targeting LPDDR4x and LPDDR5, the WDDR PHY supports JEDEC LPDDR protocols and a DFIv5 compliant interface.
Features ++++++++
Software ++++++++ The Software for Wavious DDR is located here: Software binaries are compiled and converted to ramfiles, located at ./sw directory.
The WDDR UVM testbench has been developed with Cadence VIP and simulators. Users must ensure that the VIP and tools have been installed properly.
The testbench can be run without VIP models for the Memory Controller and LPDDR DRAM to test basic functionality. Two tests have been provided.
Ensure that Cadence Xcelium simulator (v20.09.003) is installed. Update verif/run/ variables as needed.
cd verif/run ./ -t wddr_dt_mcuboot_test -sw "RAMFILE_DIR_WDDR_BOOT" ./ -t wddr_dt_ddr_test -e "+MVP_FORCE_PLL +vcoFreq1=2112 +gb=2 +freqRatio=2" -timeout 10000000