wayfair-contribs / plentymarkets-plugin

Wayfair plugin for use in the Plentymarkets eCommerce ERP system
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prevention and recovery for stuck inventory sync #203

Closed jhoule86 closed 3 years ago

jhoule86 commented 3 years ago

Mitigating https://github.com/wayfair-contribs/plentymarkets-plugin/issues/204 where a supplier's inventory synchronization process is stuck at the first attempt to upload all inventory to Wayfair.

This will NOT solve/mitigate all of the underlying causes of failed/stalled Inventory Syncs, as those are by yet undiscovered issues in the Wayfair Plugin code and/or they are the result of limitations placed on the Wayfair Plugin by the Plentymarkets system.



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Code Health changes