wayfair-contribs / plentymarkets-plugin

Wayfair plugin for use in the Plentymarkets eCommerce ERP system
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Wayfair PlentyMarkets plugin

This is the Wayfair plugin developed by Wayfair Inc. for use with PlentyMarkets Cloud ERP software.

The plugin allows for the following automatic processes to take place:

Using the Wayfair plugin / So verwenden Sie das Plugin

EN: This document is meant for developers. If you are a Plentymarkets user looking to use the Wayfair plugin, check out these links:

DE: Dieses Dokument richtet sich an Softwareentwickler. Wenn Sie ein Plentymarkets-Benutzer sind und das Wayfair-Plugin verwenden möchten, verwenden Sie diese Links:

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


This is a plugin for PlentyMarkets 7.

Make sure to have Git setup and a GitHub account prepared to interact with this repository. See instructions.

Clone the repository:

git clone git@github.com:wayfair/plentymarkets-plugin.git





Install using Composer by running the following command in the repository directory:

composer install

For more basic information on package installation via Composer see this introduction.


For code changes in the ./angular directory to be reflected in the Wayfair plugin, one has to build the plugin and commit all the files generated in the ./ui directory.

Once you are ready with the changes in ./angular run the following commands:

 npm run reinstall
 npm run build

Once all changes and issues have been taken care of, commit all the newly generated files and push.

To load the UI in PM, ui.json has been defined at the root. In that json config we have specified the menu on which our UI should be loaded i.e. "settings/markets/Wayfair"



The following steps are needed for releasing the PlentyMarkets plugin:

  1. Increase the version in the plugin.json file

  2. Create a patch file that contains all the changes introduced, upload this file to a safe place (currently using gofile.io and remove the file each time it is reviewed), then share it with PlentyMarket developers for review

  3. Pull the release branch on your PlentyMarkets account by going to: Plugins > Plugin sets > Standard, look for Wayfair and, on the right side, click the Pull button

  4. Click on the Wayfair plugin, which would lead to: Plugins > Plugin sets > Filter > Standard > Wayfair > Global Settings, and then Push the Upload to plentyMarketplace button, waiting for a confirmation message

  5. When everything is ready for release, go to the Releases tab on GitHub and click the “Draft a new release” button to create a release zip file. We recommend you name it as your new version


Wayfair is a closed marketplace. In order to use this plugin, you have to be a registered supplier with Wayfair.

Please send an email to ERPSupport@wayfair.com for more information. Notice (March 2020): This is a new email address for Wayfair. Please update the email you have on file.

After you have successfully registered as a supplier on Wayfair, you will have to go through the standard instructions found on the plugin's landing page in the PlentyMarkets plugin marketplace.

Testing & Code Style

Unfortunately, due to the nature of developing within the PlentyMarkets ecosystem, it was not easy to include automated tests in the plugin repository. Therefore, unit and integration testing needs to be done manually.

For QA, we’re currently carrying out the following process:


This project is not currently accepting external pull requests.

Please enquire with Wayfair ERP Support <ERPSupport [at] wayfair.com> with any questions.

Built With


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the releases of this repository.


Supplier Data Integrations Engineering Team

Emerging Markets Engineering Team

Emerging Markets Product Team


This project is licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
