wbbeyourself / MAC-SQL

MAC-SQL: A Multi-Agent Collaborative Framework for Text-to-SQL
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This is the official repository for the paper "MAC-SQL: A Multi-Agent Collaborative Framework for Text-to-SQL".

In this paper, we propose a multi-agent collaborative Text-to-SQL framework MAC-SQL, which comprises three agents: the Selector, the Decomposer, and the Refiner.

🔥 Updates


  1. Config your local environment.
conda create -n macsql python=3.9 -y
conda activate macsql
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -c "import nltk; nltk.download('punkt')"

Note: we use openai==0.28.1, which use openai.ChatCompletion.create to call api.

  1. Edit openai config at core/api_config.py, and set related environment variables of Azure OpenAI API.

Currently, we use gpt-4-1106-preview (128k version) by default, which is 2.5 times less expensive than the gpt-4 (8k) on average.


🔧 Data Preparation

In order to prepare the data more quickly, I have packaged the files including the databases of the BIRD dataset and the Spider dataset into data.zip and uploaded them. All files were downloaded on December 19, 2023, ensuring they are the latest version at that moment. The download links are available on Baidu Disk and Google Drive(update on 2024-04-22).

After downloading the data.zip file, you should delete the existing data folder in the project directory and replace it with the unzipped data folder from data.zip.

🚀 Run

The run script will first run 5 examples in Spider to check environment. You should open code comments for different usage.

For SQL execution demo, you can use app_bird.py or app_spider.py to get the execution result of your SQL query.

cd ./scripts
python app_bird.py
python app_spider.py

If occur error /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter in Linux, use sed -i -e 's/\r$//' run.sh to solve it.

đź“ťEvaluation Dataset

We evaluate our method on both BIRD dataset and Spider dataset.

EX: Execution Accuracy(%)

VES: Valid Efficiency Score(%)

Refer to our paper for the details.

🫡Run SQL-Llama

Download the SQL-Llama(current v0.5 version) and follow the SQL-Llama-deployment.md to deploy.

Uncomment the MODEL_NAME = 'CodeLlama-7b-hf' in core/api_config.py to set the global model and comment other MODEL_NAME = xxx lines.

Uncomment the export OPENAI_API_BASE='' in run.sh to set the local model api base.

Then, run run.sh to start your local inference.

🌟 Project Structure

├─data # store datasets and databases
|  ├─spider
|  ├─bird
|  ├─agents.py       # define three agents class
|  ├─api_config.py   # OpenAI API ENV config
|  ├─chat_manager.py # manage the communication between agents
|  ├─const.py        # prompt templates and CONST values
|  ├─llm.py          # api call function and log print
|  ├─utils.py        # utils function
├─scripts            # sqlite execution flask demo
|  ├─app_bird.py
|  ├─app_spider.py
|  ├─templates
├─evaluation # evaluation scripts
|  ├─evaluation_bird_ex.py
|  ├─evaluation_bird_ves.py
|  ├─evaluation_spider.py
|  ├─badcase_BIRD(dev)_examples.xlsx
|  â””badcase_Spider(dev)_examples.xlsx
├─evaluation_bird_ex_ves.sh # bird evaluation script
├─run.py # main run script
├─run.sh # generation and evaluation script


If you find our work is helpful, please cite as:

      title={MAC-SQL: A Multi-Agent Collaborative Framework for Text-to-SQL}, 
      author={Bing Wang and Changyu Ren and Jian Yang and Xinnian Liang and Jiaqi Bai and Linzheng Chai and Zhao Yan and Qian-Wen Zhang and Di Yin and Xing Sun and Zhoujun Li},


We welcome contributions and suggestions!