wcm-io-frontend / aem-clientlib-generator

Creates configuration files for AEM ClientLibs and synchronizes assets.
Apache License 2.0
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A node plugin that creates ClientLib configuration files (repository nodes) for AEM Client Libraries, creates Client Library Folders and synchronizes all assets.

It supports both JSON file format (default) and FileVault XML file format (see serializationFormat parameter).


npm install aem-clientlib-generator


Command Line Interface

The CLI clientlib is located in ./bin/clientlib-cli.js. The command can be used without parameters, it loads the default configuration file clientlib.config.js. More options are described in help menu:

  --help, -h     Show help                                             [boolean]
  --version, -v  Show version number                                   [boolean]
  --dry          'Dry run' without write operations.                   [boolean]
  --verbose      Prints more details                                   [boolean]


A clientlib configuration file is a simple exported module:

module.exports = {
  // default working directory (can be changed per 'cwd' in every asset option)
  context: __dirname,

  // path to the clientlib root folder (output)
  clientLibRoot: "path/to/clientlib-root",

  // define all clientlib options here as array... (multiple clientlibs)
  libs: [
      name: "test.base.apps.mainapp",

      // optional override path to write clientlib files to, by default files
      // are written to lib.name/
      outputPath: "explicit/path/to/lib/or/existing/lib/structure",

      assets: {
        js: [
        css: [
    ...// next clientlibs

  // or as object (single clientlib)
  libs: {
    name: "test.base.apps.mainapp",
    assets: {
      js: [
      css: [

npm scripts

The CLI can be used in a project as local module via npm scripts (defined in package.json).

  // package.json file:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "mocha",
    "build": "clientlib --verbose"

In this case npm run build tries to load the default clientlib configuration file clientlib.config.js (same directory like package.json) and generates all clientslib as defined.

Module: clientlib(arrProps | props, [options], callback)

Import the module into a JavaScript file and run the module as a function:

var clientlib = require("aem-clientlib-generator");
clientlib(arrProps, { verbose: true }, function () {
  console.log("generator has finished");

Important: Due to many write operations, the clientlib function is asynchronous!

The assets Object

The assets object determine the content that should be pushed into the clientlib folder. The key stands for the content type, js for JavaScript files, css for styles and resources for other content such as fonts or images.

  js: {
    // JavaScript files to be copied and used for `js.txt` - a clientlib JS configuration file
  css: {
    // CSS files to be copied and used for `css.txt` - a clientlib CSS configuration file
  resources: {
    // other resources that should be copied

Each property can be an object of deeper configuration options (assetConfig) or an array of files (simple way, see example below). The following can be configured:

For an glob example see example section below.

// simple version
js: ["pth/to/file.js", { src: "pth/to/lib/file.js", dest: "lib/file.js" }];
// will be transformed to:
js: {
  base: "js";
  files: [
    { src: "pth/to/file.js", dest: "file.js" },
    { src: "pth/to/lib/file.js", dest: "lib/file.js" },


var clientlib = require("aem-clientlib-generator");
      name: "test.base.apps.mainapp",
      // the name will be used as subfolder in clientlibs root and for the AEM repository node
      // in this example it creates:
      //   the subfoler: path/to/clientlibs-root/test.base.apps.mainapp/
      //   repository node: path/to/clientlibs-root/test.base.apps.mainapp.json

      // new in AEM 6.2: configure the clientlib processor by yourself:
      // An example to disable minification for CSS:
      cssProcessor: ["default:none", "min:none"],

      // using google closure compiler for minification instead of YUI
      jsProcessor: ["default:none", "min:gcc;compilationLevel=whitespace"],

      // new in AEM 6.3: create clientLibs in /apps/myapp/clientlibs and proxy to /etc.clientlibs/myapp
      allowProxy: true,

      // will copy over the allowed properties and their values to the clientlib
      customProperties: [
      customProperty: "customValue",

      // allow URL Fingerprinting via placeholder
      longCacheKey: "${project.version}-${buildNumber}",

      assets: {
        // creates the JS configuration file:
        //  path/to/clientlibs-root/test.base.apps.mainapp/js.txt
        // which lists all JavaScript files from the ClientLib.
        // and copies all files into a js subfolder (default base):
        //  path/to/clientlibs-root/test.base.apps.mainapp/js/
        js: [
          // file will be copied to:
          //  path/to/clientlibs-root/test.base.apps.mainapp/js/app.js
          { src: "src/frontend/js/app.js", dest: "app.js" },

          // file will be copied to:
          //  path/to/clientlibs-root/test.base.apps.mainapp/js/libs/mylib.min.js
            src: "src/frontend/js/libs/mylib.min.js",
            dest: "libs/mylib.min.js",

          // copy source map files as well
            src: "src/frontend/js/libs/mylib.min.js.map",
            dest: "libs/mylib.min.js.map",

        // creates the CSS configuration file:
        //  path/to/clientlibs-root/test.base.apps.mainapp/css.txt
        css: ["src/frontend/css/styling.css", "src/frontend/css/lib.css"],
      name: "test.base.apps.secondapp",
      embed: [
        "test.base.apps.thirdapp", // this clientlib will be auto embedded in AEM (kind of `merging`)
      dependencies: [
        "test.base.apps.mainapp", // define clientlib dependency
      assets: {
        js: {
          base: "js", // by default the `base` is the asset key property
          files: [
              src: "src/frontend/secondapp/js/lib.js",
              dest: "secondapp-lib.js",

        // creates the CSS configuration file:
        //  path/to/clientlibs-root/test.base.apps.secondapp/css.txt
        // that lists all CSS files from the ClientLib.
        // All files defined below will be copied into the defined base:
        //  path/to/clientlibs-root/test.base.apps.secondapp/style/
        css: {
          base: "style", // changes the `base` from `css` (default) to `style`
          files: ["src/frontend/secondapp/main.css"],
        resources: ["src/frontend/resources/template.html"],
      name: "test.base.apps.thirdapp",
      assets: {
        // copy all files into the clientlib subfolder, because `base` is changed:
        //  path/to/clientlibs-root/test.base.apps.thirdapp/
        resources: {
          base: ".", // copy the file into `test.base.apps.thirdapp` (root) instead of `test.base.apps.thirdapp/resources`
          files: ["src/frontend/resources/notice.txt"],
      name: "test.base.apps.fourth",
      assets: {
        js: {
          // "flatten" is true by default and using file's basename instead of path for destination
          // set to false to keep the folder hierarchy below "cwd"
          flatten: false, // remove this option if you like a flat list of files in your clientlib
          cwd: "src/frontend/js/", // change working directory (will be stripped from destination)
          files: [
            "**/*.js", // match all js files recursively
        css: [
          // all css will copied to destination folder "style" (in base folder css)
          { src: "src/frontend/css/*.css", dest: "style/" },

          // all css will copied to destination folder "vendor" (in base folder css)
          { src: "src/frontend/secondapp/*.css", dest: "vendor/" },
      name: "test.base.apps.myExistingAssetOrganization",
      outputPath: path.join(__dirname, "libs", "collectionOne"),
      assets: {
        // uses existing files at ./libs/collectionOne, since base is set to '.'
        js: {
          base: ".", // copy the file into `./libs/collectionOne` (outputPath) instead of `{path}/test.base.apps.myExistingAssetOrganization/js`
          files: ["libs/collectionOne/index.js"],
    cwd: __dirname, // using folder of the file as current working directory
    clientLibRoot: path.join(__dirname, "path/to/clientlibs-root"),
  function () {
    console.log("clientlibs created");

Deploying to AEM:

The generated client library can be deployed to AEM via Sling Content Loading. Take a look at the wcm.io Sample Application.

If you've switched the serializationFormat to "xml" you can deploy the client library as part of an AEM content package.