wcodesoft / sentency-server

Server for the Sentency Project
MIT License
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api-server docker kotlin ktor sentency

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Sentency Server

Project Sentency

Repository to hold Sentency server code. The server is be done using Ktor, a simple web framework for Kotlin.

Third-Party Libraries

Ktor come with built-in libraries but it's mostly a "plug what you need" type of framework, because of that we had to add some third party libraries to fill some gaps:


The project is configured to be deployed using docker. First step is to create the distribution of the application (in this case using Gradle):

./gradlew installDist

To build the docker image go to the root of the project and run the command:

 docker build -t sentency-server .

After the image is build to run locally you can execute:

docker run -p 7000:7000 sentency-server:latest 

Environment variables

The project load environment variables to fill some important parameters on the server. They can be defined when running the docker image, on the docker-compose or in the environment itself.

Test coverage

To generate test coverage report Jacoco was configured as an extension of the test task. Execute the command:

./gradlew test

to execute tests and generate code coverage reports.