wdelfuego / nova-datetime

Makes working with DateTime fields in Laravel's Nova easier
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This package adds a DateTime field with support for a global DateTime format, syntactic sugar for formatting individual DateTime fields and powerful date filters for Index views. It can serve as a base for more extensions and improvements with regard to DateTime fields and logic in Laravel's Nova 4.


composer require wdelfuego/nova-datetime


Formatting DateTime fields globally

  1. First, publish this package's config file by running:
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wdelfuego\Nova\DateTime\ServiceProvider"
  2. Then, set the format you want to use for all of your DateTime fields in config/nova-datetime.php, for example:

    return [
        'globalFormat' => 'Y-M-d H:i:s',
  3. In your Nova resource, replace all instances of Laravel\Nova\Fields\DateTime with instances of Wdelfuego\Nova\DateTime\Fields\DateTime by adding this use statement:

    use Wdelfuego\Nova\DateTime\Fields\DateTime;

This allows you to apply the global format to all DateTime fields in your own Nova resources automatically.

To automatically apply the global DateTime format to the 'Action Happened at' column of the action events in your resources' action logs as well, install the wdelfuego/nova-actions package.

Formatting individual DateTime fields

The examples below assume that the Eloquent model used for the Nova resource has an attribute named 'attribute'.

The withDateFormat helper is added automatically to all DateTime fields in your project (including Nova's own, so you don't have to use a custom DateTime field) and allows you to directly set the format you want the field to be displayed in:

    DateTime::make(__('Localized label'), 'attribute')
        ->withDateFormat('d-M-Y, H:i'),

It is simple syntactic sugar around the displayUsing method that works on DateTime fields since Nova 4.2.4.

Filtering resources by DateTime fields

You can use Laravel's native filterable method on your DateTime fields for a standard date range filter or use any combination of the date filters below to give your end users powerful ways to filter their Nova resources from the Index view.

You can add a combination of these filters to the Nova resource to allow end users to define a date range.

For example, you could make a standard date range filter that allows users to exclude a specific date like this:

use Wdelfuego\Nova\DateTime\Filters\AfterDate;
use Wdelfuego\Nova\DateTime\Filters\BeforeDate;
use Wdelfuego\Nova\DateTime\Filters\NotOnDate;
    public function filters(NovaRequest $request)
        return [
            new AfterDate(__('After'), 'attribute'),
            new BeforeDate(__('Before'), 'attribute'),
            new NotOnDate(__('But not on'), 'attribute'),

You can also filter for specific dates only using just a single OnDate filter, or force open-ended range filtering by adding just one of the After or Before filters.


For any problems, questions or remarks you might have, please open an issue on GitHub.