wdhudiekou / UMF-CMGR

[IJCAI2022 Oral] Unsupervised Misaligned Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via Cross-Modality Image Generation and Registration
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Unsupervised Misaligned Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via Cross-Modality Image Generation and Registration [IJCAI2022 Oral Presentation]

By Di Wang, Jinyuan Liu, Xin Fan, and Risheng Liu


[2022-07-14] The pretrained models of registration network (MRRN) and fusion network (DIFN) are available!
[2022-06-21] The CPSTN is available!
[2022-05-30] The Chinese translation of our paper is available, please enjoy it! [中译版本]
[2022-05-25] Our paper is available online! [arXiv version]


Data preparation

  1. You can obtain deformation infrared images for training/testing process by
       cd ./data
       python get_test_data.py

In 'Trainer/train_reg.py', deformable infrared images are generated in real time by default during training.

  1. You can obtain self-visual saliency maps for training IVIF fusion by
       cd ./data
       python get_svs_map.py

Get start

  1. You can use the pseudo infrared images [link code: qqyj] generated by our CPSTN to train/test the registration process:

       cd ./Trainer
       python train_reg.py
       cd ./Test
       python test_reg.py
    Please download the [pretrained model](https://pan.baidu.com/s/199dqOLHyJS9aY5YecuVglA) (code: hk25) of the registration network MRRN.
  2. If you want to generate pseudo-infrared images using our CPSTN for other datasets, you can directly run following commands:

    ## testing
       cd ./CPSTN
       python test.py --dataroot datasets/rgb2ir/RoadScene/testA --name rgb2ir_paired_Road_edge_pretrained --model test --no_dropout --preprocess none
    ## training
       cd ./CPSTN
       python train.py --dataroot ./datasets/rgb2ir/RoadScene --name rgb2ir_paired_Road_edge --model cycle_gan --dataset_mode unaligned
    The training and testing data of our CPSTN can be downloaded from: [datasets](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-U1n945ykHFU7yrEHwGC9Q) (code: u386)
    Please download the [pretrained model](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1JO4hjdaXPUScCI6oFtPEnQ) (code: i9ju) of CPSTN and put it into folder './CPSTN/checkpoints/pretrained/'
  3. If you tend to train Registration and Fusion processes separately, You can run following commands:

       cd ./Trainer
       python train_reg.py
       cd ./Trainer
       python train_fuse.py
    The corresponding test code 'test_reg.py' and 'test_fuse.py' can be found in 'Test' folder. Please download the [pretrained model](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1GZrYrg_qzAfQtoCrZLJsSw) (code: 0rbm) of fusion network DIFN.
  4. If you tend to train Registration and Fusion processes jointly, You can run following command:

       cd ./Trainer
       python train_reg_fusion.py
    The corresponding test code 'test_reg_fusion.py' can be found in 'Test' folder.


Please download the following datasets:

Experimental Results

Please download the pseudo infrared images generated by our CPSTN:

Please download the registered infrared images by our UMF:

Please download the fused images by our UMF:

Related Projects


    author    = {Di Wang and
    Jinyuan Liu and
    Xin Fan and
    Risheng Liu},
    title     = {Unsupervised Misaligned Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via Cross-Modality Image Generation and Registration},
    booktitle = {IJCAI},
    pages     = {3508--3515},
    year      = {2022}