Minimizing the native window leads to black output, can be fixed by setting a camera preset. Also there are many WebGPU validation errors being logged, like this
14:27:02 | WebGPU | Validation | The texture size ([Extent3D width:1, height:0, depthOrArrayLayers:1]) or mipLevelCount (1) is empty.
- While validating [TextureDescriptor "framebuffer color texture"].
- While calling [Device "webigeo device"].CreateTexture([TextureDescriptor "framebuffer color texture"]).
14:27:02 | WebGPU | Validation | [Invalid Texture "framebuffer color texture"] is invalid.
- While calling [Invalid Texture "framebuffer color texture"].CreateView([TextureViewDescriptor]).
14:27:02 | WebGPU | Validation | [Invalid TextureView] is invalid.
- While validating entries[0] as a Sampled Texture.
Expected entry layout: {sampleType: TextureSampleType::Float, viewDimension: 2, multisampled: 0}
- While validating [BindGroupDescriptor "not assigned"] against [BindGroupLayout "compose bind group layout"]
- While calling [Device "webigeo device"].CreateBindGroup([BindGroupDescriptor "not assigned"]).
14:27:02 | WebGPU | Validation | [Invalid SwapChain (unlabeled)] is invalid.
- While calling [Invalid SwapChain (unlabeled)].GetCurrentTextureView()
14:27:02 | WebGPU | Validation | [Invalid TextureView "of [Invalid SwapChain (unlabeled)]"] is invalid.
- While validating colorAttachments[0].
- While encoding [CommandEncoder "Command Encoder"].BeginRenderPass([null]).
14:27:02 | WebGPU | Validation | [Invalid CommandBuffer "Command buffer" from CommandEncoder "Command Encoder"] is invalid.
- While calling [Queue "webigeo queue"].Submit([[Invalid CommandBuffer "Command buffer" from CommandEncoder "Command Encoder"]])
14:27:02 | WebGPU | Validation | [Invalid SwapChain (unlabeled)] is invalid.
at ValidateObject (C:\data\webigeo\dawn\src\dawn\native\Device.cpp:976)
14:27:02 | WebGPU | Validation | [Invalid SwapChain (unlabeled)] is invalid.
- While calling [Invalid SwapChain (unlabeled)].GetCurrentTextureView()
Minimizing the native window leads to black output, can be fixed by setting a camera preset. Also there are many WebGPU validation errors being logged, like this