weak-head / nimbus

Nimbus is engineered to optimize data backup processes and efficiently orchestrate service deployments for homelabs and dev environments.
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administration backup deploy
# nimbus Nimbus is engineered to optimize data backup processes and efficiently orchestrate service deployments for homelabs and dev environments.

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Table of Contents


Nimbus stands as a comprehensive data backup manager and service deployment orchestrator tailored for homelabs, media centers, and local development environments. It offers a seamless, turnkey solution to streamline your data management and service orchestration needs. While Nimbus is robust for personal or developmental use, it is not intended to supplant production-level or mission-critical tools designed for commercial-scale backups and deployments.

Getting Started

It is recommended to use pipx for installing Nimbus:

pipx install nimbuscli --python python3.12
ni --version

Before using Nimbus you need to configure it. By default, Nimbus looks for its configuration file at ~/.nimbus/config.yaml. All application configurations are centralized within this file. Below is a minimal example configuration:

      - ~/services
    destination: ~/backups
    archive: tar
        - ~/Documents

[!TIP] When using the ni command, it’s essential to use \* in place of * when specifying a selector that follows a glob pattern. This is because bash or sh interprets * as a glob pattern and attempts to expand it before passing it to ni. By escaping the asterisk (\*), you ensure that ni receives the character literally, allowing it to process the glob pattern as intended.

With the above configuration:

For additional configuration options, refer to the example configuration file.


The backup command facilitates the creation of backups and enables their optional upload to a remote destination, such as an AWS S3 bucket. The command accepts optional group selectors, that filter the configured backup groups using specified glob patterns.

ni backup [selectors]

Directory Groups

Nimbus organizes backup directories into directory groups, allowing you to manage and back up specific sets of data. Each directory group can be backed up independently. You can also select multiple groups using group selectors. If no group selectors are specified, all directory groups will be backed up.

Consider the following directory groups defined in your configuration:

    - ~/Pictures
    - ~/.nextcloud
    - ~/Documents

With these directory groups, the following backup commands would result in:

Command Selected Groups
ni backup photos cloud docs
ni backup nx* (No groups selected)
ni backup photos photos
ni backup ph* *cloud* photos cloud
ni backup *o?? cloud docs

Archiver Profiles

Nimbus supports various archiver backends for creating backups. Each backend has a default profile with a matching name. For example the tar backend has a default tar profile that could be used using the archive: tar configuration. You can also create custom profiles or overwrite default ones.

Available Archiver Backends

Backend Support Output Default Profile
zip Native zip archive compress: xz
tar Native tar archive compress: xz
rar Requires installation of rar rar archive compress: 3, recovery: 3

Customizing Archiver Profiles

You can define custom profiles in your configuration file. For example:

    - name: rar # Overwrite default 'rar' profile
      provider: rar
      recovery: 5
    - name: rar_protected
      provider: rar
      password: SecretPwd
      recovery: 3
      compress: 1

In the above example:

Remember to adjust the profiles according to your backup requirements. For detailed configuration options, refer to the example configuration file.

Uploader Profiles

Nimbus supports various uploader backends for uploading the created archives. If you want to use the upload functionality, consider creating a custom uploader profile.

Available Uploader Backends

Backend Support Destination
aws Native AWS S3 bucket

Customizing Uploader Profiles

Define custom profiles in your configuration file. For example:

    - name: aws_store
      provider: aws
      access_key: XXXXXXX
      secret_key: XXXXXXXXXXXXX
      bucket: aws.storage.bucket
      storage: STANDARD
    - name: aws_archival
      provider: aws
      access_key: XXXXXXX
      secret_key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
      bucket: aws.archival.bucket
      storage: DEEP_ARCHIVE

In the above example:

Remember to adjust the profiles according to your backup requirements. For detailed configuration options, refer to the example configuration file.


Nimbus manages service deployments using the up and down commands. The commands accepts optional service selectors, allowing you to filter the discovered services using specified glob patterns.

# Deploys services based on the specified service selectors.
ni up [selectors]

# Undeploys services based on the specified service selectors.
ni down [selectors]

Service Providers

Nimbus supports various service providers and performs recursive service discovery within the configured directories.

Provider Support Identified By
docker Requires installation of Docker Docker Compose file

Service Discovery

Nimbus performs recursive service discovery within the configured directories, searching for specific files associated with each service provider to identify discovered services.

Let’s assume the following Nimbus configuration:

      - ~/.nimbus/services

Under the ~/.nimbus/services directory, we have the following structure:

|- services
    |- shared
        |- media
            |- .env
            |- compose.yaml
        |- getty
            |- deploy.sh
            |- readme.md
    |- cloud
        |- .env
        |- compose.yaml
    |- git
        |- some_file.txt 
        |- start.sh

With this configuration and directory structure, the following deployment commands would result in:

Command Selected Services
ni up media cloud
ni up media media
ni down g* (No services selected)
ni down git (No services selected)
ni down cl* cloud

Environment Configuration

Optionally, you can configure environment variable mappings for deployed services. Each environment mapping is specified by a glob pattern. The discovered service will receive a consolidated collection of environment variables based on all matched patterns, following a top-to-bottom approach. For example:

      - service: "*"
          UID: 1001
          GID: 1001
      - service: "git*"
          UID: 1002
          GID: 1002 
      - service: "gitlab"
          HTTP_PORT: 8080
          SSH_PORT: 8022

With this configuration:

Feel free to customize your environment mappings based on your specific deployment needs. For the details, refer to the example configuration file.


Nimbus can optionally generate a detailed report for each executed command. By default, the detailed reports are disabled, but a summary report is output to stdout. To enable detailed reports, include the following reports section in your configuration file and configure the root directory where all reports will be stored:

    format: txt
    directory: ~/.nimbus/reports

For more details, refer to the example configuration file. You can also find an example of the detailed report here.


Nimbus supports Discord notifications for completed operations. If detailed reports are enabled, they will be included in the Discord notification as file attachments. To enable Discord notifications, configure a Discord webhook and specify it in the Nimbus configuration:

      webhook: https://discord.com/api/webhooks/id/token

The following Discord notification, including the detailed operation report as an attachment, would be generated for the deployment command:

For more details, refer to the example configuration file.