wearerequired / h2push

Sends Link headers to bring HTTP/2 Server Push for scripts and styles to WordPress.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Watch: "Intent to Remove: HTTP/2 and gQUIC server push" #11

Open ocean90 opened 3 years ago

ocean90 commented 3 years ago

See https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/K3rYLvmQUBY/m/vOWBKZGoAQAJ.

Current status (11.03.2021, 22:51:50):

Our conclusion is that while we are in general supportive of removing HTTP/2 push for the reasons given, we'd like support to be removed only once there is an Early Hints implementation that can be tested in the wild. While Early Hints is not solving exactly the same problem, its motivation is similar and therefore sites may be able to obtain similar performance to HTTP/2 push with that feature. Waiting for this will allow sites to potentially switch to Early Hints and not lose overall performance.

ocean90 commented 2 years ago


👀 HTTP/2 PUSH is finally going away in Chrome 106: https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/K3rYLvmQUBY/m/ho4qP49oAwAJ

HTTP 103 is the best way to early-hint out-of-band.

Thanks to the community and teams that made this possible (standards teams for 103, CDNs for implementing, Net team, huge effort)