weavedb / rdk

WeaveDB Rollup Development Kit
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WeaveDB Rollup Development Kit

How Rollup Works

Set up a Node


Install docker and docker-compose globally to your machine. And open port 8080 for anyone.


Create weavedb.config.js in /grpc-node/node-server directory.

The minimum requirements

module.exports = {
  bundler: ARWEAVE_RSA_KEYS,
  rollups: {},

Other Parameters

With everything included,

module.exports = {
  dir: "/home/xyz/cache",
  dbname: "mydb",
  sequencerUrl: "https://gw.warp.cc/",
  apiKey: "xxxxx",
    count: 100,
    gcs: { bucket: "xyz.appspot.com", keyFilename: "gcs.json" }
  admin: "privateky...",
  arweave: {
    host: "arweave.net",
    port: 443,
    protocol: "https",
  weavedb_srcTxId: "Ohr4AU6jRUCLoNSTTqu3bZ8GulKZ0V8gUm-vwrRbmS4",
  weavedb_version: "0.37.2",
  bundler: {
    kty: "RSA",
  nostr: { db: "nostr" },
  rollups: {
    testdb: {
      secure: true,
      owner: "0xdef...",
      tick: 1000 * 60 * 5,
      contractTxId: "abcdef...",
      rollup: true,
      plugins: { notifications: {} },
    nostr: {
      owner: "0xdef...",
      rollup: false,

Auto Recovery

If contractTxId is specified and the rollup node is re-initialized without cache, it will auto-recover the rollup DB state from Warp L1 transaction history.

Run docker-compose

yarn run-rollup

Admin Operations

Anyone can access the rollup node stats, which returns the deployed DB information.

const DB = require("weavedb-node-client")
const db = new DB({ rpc: "localhost:8080", contractTxId: "testdb" })
const stats = await db.node({op: "stats"})

The admin EOA account can manage the rollup node and DBs from anywhere.

Add DB

const tx = await db.admin(
    op: "add_db",
    key: "testdb2",
    db: {
      app: "http://localhost:3000", // this will be shown on the explorer
      name: "Jots", // this will be shown on the explorer
      rollup: true,
      plugins: { notifications: {} },
      tick: 1000 * 60 * 5,
  { privateKey: admin.privateKey }

You can recover existing db with contractTxId after starting a new node.

const tx = await db.admin(
    op: "add_db",
    key: "testdb2",
    db: {
      app: "http://localhost:3000", // this will be shown on the explorer
      name: "Jots", // this will be shown on the explorer
      rollup: true,
      plugins: { notifications: {} },
      tick: 1000 * 60 * 5,
      contractTxId: "Warp_L1_contractTxId"
  { privateKey: admin.privateKey }

Deploy Warp L1 Contract

const { contractTxId, srcTxId } = await db.admin(
  { op: "deploy_contract", key: "testdb2" },
  { privateKey: admin.privateKey }
// you will need the "contractTxId" for regular DB queries

Update DB

const tx = await db.admin(
  { op: "deploy_contract", key: "testdb2" },
  { privateKey: admin.privateKey }

Remove DB

const tx = await db.admin(
  { op: "remove_db", key: "testdb2" },
  { privateKey: admin.privateKey }

Query DB

You will need the L1 contractTxId from the deployment operation to instantiate the DB client.
All L2 transactions will be signed with L1 contractTxId for L1/L2 verifiability.

const DB = require("weavedb-node-client")
const db = new DB({ rpc: "localhost:8080", contractTxId })
const db_info = await db.getInfo()


We currently have only one plugin for Jots called notifications which generates personal notifications from onchain Jots activities. The notification DB will be an offchain WeaveDB instance, which won't be recorded onchain. Not every data should be onchain, and offchain plugins solve the problem. WeaveDB can seamlessly run in multiple environment such as blockchain, offchain (local), browser and centralized cloud.

Local Development Tips

Clone Repo

git clone https://github.com/weavedb/rdk.git


If you are running the rollup node on localhost:8080, you can view blocks and transactions on our public WeaveDB Scan.

However, the public explorer may not be up-to-date. To run the latest explorer, go to explorer folder.

cd rdk/explorer
yarn dev

Now the explorer is running locally at localhost:3000/node/localhost.

Run Envoy Separately

You can run Envoy separately on your computer, and run the bare rollup file index.js without Docker. This way, you don't have to restart docker-compose every time you make changes in development.

yarn envoy

Then you can run the rollup server without Docker.

cd rdk/node/node-server
node index.js

Arweave Local Testnet

To test rollup executions in your local environment, you can run arlocal (Arweave local testnet), and redirect WeaveDB SDK / Warp SDK to it.

Integration Tests with Mocha

You don't need to run Envoy for local tests. Envoy is to access the node from web browsers. Also, stop arlocal if you are running test scripts with mocha. The test scripts will start everything with a clean state.

We have Test helper utility, to make testing easier. Here is some boilerplate for you to start writing tests.

const { expect } = require("chai")
const DB = require("weavedb-node-client")
const SDK = require("weavedb-sdk-node")
const { wait, Test } = require("./lib/utils")

describe("rollup node", function () {
  let admin, network, bundler, test

  before(async () => {
    // testing in insecure mode, never do that in production
    test = new Test({ secure: false })
    ;({ network, bundler, admin } = await test.start())

  after(async () => {
    await test.stop()

    // some processes linger, so force exit for now

  it("should start server", async () => {
    const db = new DB({
      rpc: "localhost:9090",
      contractTxId: "testdb",
      arweave: network,
    const stats = await db.node({ op: "stats" })
    expect(stats).to.eql({ dbs: [] })

    // add a DB to node
    const tx = await db.admin(
        op: "add_db",
        key: "testdb",
        db: {
          app: "http://localhost:3000",
          name: "Jots",
          rollup: true,
          owner: admin.address,
      { privateKey: admin.privateKey },
    await wait(2000)

    // deploy L1 warp contract (via node)
    const { contractTxId, srcTxId } = await db.admin(
      { op: "deploy_contract", key: "testdb" },
      { privateKey: admin.privateKey },
    expect((await db.node({ op: "stats" })).dbs[0].data.rollup).to.eql(true)
    await wait(2000)

    // check L1 warp contract info directly with SDK (not via node)
    const warp_db = new SDK({
      type: 3,
      arweave: network,
    await warp_db.init()
    expect((await warp_db.getInfo()).version).to.eql("0.37.2")

    // update the DB (via node)
    const db2 = new DB({
      rpc: "localhost:9090",
    const Bob = { name: "Bob" }
    const tx2 = await db2.set(Bob, "ppl", "Bob", {
      privateKey: admin.privateKey,
    expect(await db2.get("ppl", "Bob")).to.eql(Bob)

    // check rollup
    await wait(5000)
      (await warp_db.db.readState()).cachedValue.state.rollup.height,

    // check if L1 Warp state is the same as L2 DB state
    expect(await warp_db.get("ppl", "Bob")).to.eql(Bob)

Run the tests.

cd rdk/node/node-server
yarn test