weavejester / comb

Clojure templating library
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Comb is a simple templating system for Clojure. You can use Comb to embed fragments of Clojure code into a text file.


The <% %> tags are used to embed a section of Clojure code with side-effects. This is commonly used for control structures like loops or conditionals.

For example:

(require '[comb.template :as template])

(template/eval "<% (dotimes [x 3] %>foo<% ) %>")
=> "foofoofoo"

The <%= %> tags will be subsituted for the value of the expression within them. This is used for inserting values into a template.

For example:

(template/eval "Hello <%= name %>" {:name "Alice"})
=> "Hello Alice"


To install, add the following dependency to your project.clj file:

[comb "0.1.1"]

API Documentation


(template/eval source)
(template/eval source bindings)

Evaluate a template source using an optional map of bindings. The template source can be a string, or any I/O source understood by the standard slurp function.

Example of use:

(template/eval "Hello <%= name %>" {:name "Bob"})


(template/fn args source)

Compile a template source into a anonymous function. This is a lot faster than template/eval for repeated calls, as the template source is only parsed when the function is created.

Examples of use:

(def hello
  (template/fn [name] "Hello <%= name %>"))

(hello "Alice")


Copyright © 2015 James Reeves

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.