weaviate-tutorials / DEMO-face-recognition

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Face Recognition

This project's origin is here


This example application spins up a Weaviate instance using the img2vec-neural module, imports a few sample images (you can add your own images, too!) and provides a very simple search frontend in React using the Weaviate JS Client


Used technology stack

This demo uses the RESNET50 model from pytorch.org.

Need for this Application

Facial Recognition has been an amazing catalyst for advancements in the field of Object Detection and Computer Vision. It has been seamlessly weaved into our everyday life from using FaceID to unlock your phone, to automated album segregation based on individuals in a picture. It is even used in Institutions for marking attendance.

Deep Dive into our Solution

Previously, it used to cost a lot of resources to run Facial Recognition Models and perform Image Searches. There were no Vector Databases, remember :)

Now, Vector Databases, like Weaviate do almost all the heavy lifting. Weaviate is so powerful that it can perform an Image Search in an instant.

So, what is happening under the hood?

Three main steps:

  1. Weaviate Database Setup
  2. Image Vectorization
  3. Querying our Database

1. Weaviate Database Setup

The test data, we have for populating the database contains 5 generated images of people. Each person will have three properties: filename, image, and name. These properties are hence defined in the schema, which is the structure for storing data in Weaviate. Schema is initialized by either running ./import/python/create_schema.py or ./import/curl/create_schema.sh.

Here’s the schema for this application:

def create_schema(client: weaviate.Client):
  class_obj = {
    "class": "FaceRecognition",
    "moduleConfig": {
        "img2vec-neural": {
            "imageFields": [
    "vectorIndexType": "hnsw",
    "vectorizer": "img2vec-neural",
    "properties": [
        "dataType": [
        "name": "filename"
        "dataType": [
        "name": "image"
        "dataType": [
        "name": "name"

Note that the Image files are first converted to Base64 encoding, before uploading to the Database.

2. Image Vectorization

This application uses Weaviate’s img2vec-neural module to vectorize images. This module was trained on the ResNet-50 model to produce meaningful vectorization, which can be used for semantic similarity search downstream.

3. Querying our Database

After having populated the Database, we need to Query it to effectively retrieve Data.

We can find the retrieval query in ./frontend/src/weaviate/WeaviateClient.ts. The main function performing Similarity Search is findImage().

  public async findImage(img: string): Promise<PersonImage[]> {
    if (img && img.length > 0) {
      const results = await this.client.graphql
          .withNearImage({image: img})
          .withFields('filename image name _additional{ certainty }')
      return this.toPersonImage(results)
    return []

Notice the usage of withNearImage(). It uses Weaviate’s nearImage search operator, which finds similarity on base64 encoded images. In the withFields() method, we can notice an additional field certainty. It measures the cosine distance between two vectors (images). The closer the distance, the more similar the images. Note that the query is also formulated so that the response is limited to one result.


Before you can run the project, you need to have Python, Node.js, npm, Docker, and Docker Compose installed on your machine. Follow the instructions below to install the prerequisites:

1. Install Python

2. Install Node.js and npm

3. Install Docker

4. Install Docker Compose

Setup instructions

The Setup is automatically taken care of while running the scripts. Get started by following the Usage Instructions section.

Usage instructions

The easiest way to start and stop the demo is to use the start.sh and stop.sh scripts.

To start the demo issue: bash start.sh.

To stop the demo issue: bash stop.sh.

Directory look_for contains similar images of faces used in the demo (generated by generated.photos) that you can use to drag & drop them into the search area to perform similarity searches.

How to run with your own images

Simply create a subfolder in ./images folder. Place your image in subfolder and create name.txt file and put a name there prior running the import script. The script looks for .jpg file ending, but Weaviate supports other image types as well, you can adopt those if you like.

It is a minimal example using only few images, but you can add any amount of images yourself!


The images used in this demo are generated by generated.photos. This terms and conditions page describes under which rights those images can be used.