web-infra-dev / swc-plugins

SWC plugins and binding
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plugins swc

Modern.js SWC Plugins

This repo provides an executable with some built-in SWC plugins for Modern.js and other Node.js users.

Quick start


Install the plugin by using:

# npm
npm add @modern-js/swc-plugins

# yarn
yarn add @modern-js/swc-plugins

# pnpm
pnpm add @modern-js/swc-plugins


Please read the Contributing Guide.



import { Compiler } from "@modern-js/swc-plugins";

const compiler = new Compiler({
  extensions: {
    pluginImport: [
        libraryName: "foo",
const { code, map } = compiler.transform(
  'import { Button } from "foo"\nconsole.log(Button)'


import { minify } from '@modern-js/swc-plugins';
import * as fs from 'fs';

const filename = '/projects/my-app/index.js';
const { code, map } = minify(
  config: JsMinifyOptions,


type PluginConfig = {
  presetReact?: ReactConfig;
  presetEnv?: EnvConfig;
  jsMinify?: boolean | JsMinifyOptions;
  extensions?: Extensions;


Ported from @babel/preset-react. The value you passed will be merged with default option.

Default option is:

  runtime: 'automatic',


Ported from @babel/preset-env. The value you passed will be merged with default option.

Default option is:

  targets: '', // automatic get browserslist from your project, so you don't have to set this field
  mode: 'usage',


Default option is: { compress: {}, mangle: true }.

If set it to false, then SWC minification will be disabled, if set it to true then will it applies default option. If you pass an object, then this object will be merged with default option.


Some plugins ported from Babel.


type PluginImport = {
  libraryName: string;
  libraryDirectory?: string;

  style?: boolean | "css" | string | ((name: string) => string | undefined);
  styleLibraryDirectory?: string;

  camelToDashComponentName?: boolean; // default to true
  transformToDefaultImport?: boolean;

  customName?: string | ((name: string) => string | undefined);
  customStyleName?: string | ((name: string) => string | undefined);

  ignoreEsComponent?: string[];
  ignoreStyleComponent?: string[];

Ported from babel-plugin-import.


The package that need to be transformed,eg. in import { a } from 'foo', **libraryName** should be foo.


The path prefix that to import. For example Button will be transformed to some-lib/lib/button.


If this field is not undefined or false, the plugin will import style for the given component path.

For example, let's say the original code is import { Button } from 'foo'. If style is set to: true, code will be extended by: import 'foo/lib/button/style'. 'css, code will be extended by: import 'foo/lib/button/style/css'. (path) => path + 'less', code will be extended by: import 'foo/lib/button.less'.


If this field is set, style will be ignored.

This field decides the path of style to import, for example, set this to 'styles', import { Button } from 'foo' will become:

import Button from "foo/lib/button";
import "foo/styles/button";


Wether to transform specifier to kebab case when added to import path. Eg: myText to foo/lib/my-text.


Wether to transform this import expression to default import. Eg: import { Button } from 'foo' will be transformed to import { Button } from 'foo/lib/button';.


You can use this to customize the transformation.

Assume the original code is:

import { Button, Input } from "foo";

And set customName to:

const customName = (name: string) => {
  if (name === "Button") {
    return undefined;
  } else {
    return `foo/es/components/${name.toLowercase()}`;


import { Button } from "foo";
import Input from "foo/es/components/input";


The same with customName, but just for style import expression.


type ReactUtilsOptions = {
  autoImportReact?: boolean;
  removeEffect?: boolean;
  removePropTypes?: {
    mode?: "remove" | "unwrap" | "unsafe-wrap";
    removeImport?: boolean;
    ignoreFilenames?: string[];
    additionalLibraries?: string[];
    classNameMatchers?: string[];

Some little help utils for React.


Automatically import React as global variable, eg: import React from 'react'. Mostly used for generated React.createElement.


Remove useEffect call.


type RemovePropTypesOptions = {
  mode?: "remove" | "unwrap" | "unsafe-wrap";
  removeImport?: boolean;
  ignoreFilenames?: string[];
  additionalLibraries?: string[];
  classNameMatchers?: string[];

Remove React runtime type checking. This is ported from @babel/plugin-react-transform-remove-prop-types, All the configurations remain the same.


Ported from @babel/plugin-lodash.

Note there is a small difference that lodash-compat is currently deprecated so we do not support lodash-compat package.


type ModularizeImports = {
  [packageName: string]: {
    transform: string;
    preventFullImport: boolean;
    skipDefaultConversion: boolean;

More detail on Next.js modularize-imports


type LockCorejsVersion = {
  corejs?: string;
  swcHelpers?: string;

Use this to rewrite core-js and @swc/helpers import path, this is helpful if you are an author of a library, and that library code contains @swc/helpers import, but you don't want your user to specify @swc/helpers as dependencies, you can achieve that in the following way.

  extensions: {
    swcHelpers: require("path").dirname(

By doing so, the following code:

import { foo } from "@swc/helpers";

will become something like this:

import { foo } from "/project/node_modules/your-lib/node_modules/@swc/helpers";


type StyledComponents =
  | boolean
  | {
      displayName?: boolean;
      // Enabled by default.
      ssr?: boolean;
      // Enabled by default.
      fileName?: boolean;
      // Empty by default.
      topLevelImportPaths?: string[];
      // Defaults to ["index"].
      meaninglessFileNames?: string[];
      // Enabled by default.
      cssProp?: boolean;
      // Empty by default.
      namespace?: string;
      // Not supported yet.
      minify?: boolean;
      // Not supported yet.
      transpileTemplateLiterals?: boolean;
      // Not supported yet.
      pure?: boolean;

More detail at https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/compiler#styled-components


type Emotion = boolean | {
  // default is true. It will be disabled when build type is production.
  sourceMap?: boolean,
  // default is 'dev-only'.
  autoLabel?: 'never' | 'dev-only' | 'always',
  // default is '[local]'.
  // Allowed values: `[local]` `[filename]` and `[dirname]`
  // This option only works when autoLabel is set to 'dev-only' or 'always'.
  // It allows you to define the format of the resulting label.
  // The format is defined via string where variable parts are enclosed in square brackets [].
  // For example labelFormat: "my-classname--[local]", where [local] will be replaced with the name of the variable the result is assigned to.
  labelFormat?: string,
  // default is undefined.
  // This option allows you to tell the compiler what imports it should
  // look at to determine what it should transform so if you re-export
  // Emotion's exports, you can still use transforms.
  importMap?: {
    [packageName: string]: {
      [exportName: string]: {
        canonicalImport?: [string, string],
        styledBaseImport?: [string, string],

More detail at https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/compiler#emotion


Enable some transform only needed by Modern.js