web3-storage / dealer

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Implementation of w3filecoin dealer service which will provide the UCAN server for receiving dealer/* invocations and other resources for Spade to scrape - a way to retrieve the list of aggregates ready for a deal.

Getting Started

The repo contains the infra deployment code and the api implementation.

To work on this codebase you need:

You can then run the tests locally with pnpm test.

To try out a change submit a PR and you'll get temporary infra rolled out for you automatically at https://<pr#>.spade-proxy.web3.storage.

sst is the framework we use to define what to deploy. Read the docs! https://sst.dev


Deployments are managed by [seed.run].

The main branch is deployed to https://staging.spade-proxy.web3.storage and staging builds are promoted to prod manually via the UI at https://console.seed.run

Local dev

You can use sst to create a custom dev deployment on aws, with a local dev console for debugging.

To do that you need

Then run npm start to deploy dev services to your aws account and start dev console

pnpm run start

See: https://docs.sst.dev for more info on how things get deployed.

Package Tests

To run per-package tests, first install Docker Desktop (https://www.docker.com/) and ensure it is running.

Next, ensure the AWS_REGION, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables are set in your terminal. They do not need to be set to real values - the following works in bash-like shells:


Finally, to run the tests for all packages, run:

pnpm test

Or to run the tests for a single package, run:

pnpm --filter <package-name> test

Environment Variables

Ensure the following variables are set in the env when deploying


The root domain to deploy the API to. e.g dealer.web3.storage. The value should match a hosted zone configured in route53 that your aws account has access to.


DID of the ucanto server. e.g. did:web:dealer.web3.storage. Optional: if omitted, a did:key will be derrived from PRIVATE_KEY


Set production secrets in aws SSM via sst secrets. The region must be set to the one you deploy that stage to

# set `PRIVATE_KEY` for prod
$ npx sst secrets set --region us-west-2 --stage prod PRIVATE_KEY "MgCblCY...="

To set a fallback value for staging or an ephmeral PR build use sst secrets set-fallback

# set `PRIVATE_KEY` for any stage in us-east-2
$ npx sst secrets set --fallback --region us-east-2 PRIVATE_KEY "MgCZG7...="

note The fallback value can only be inherited by stages deployed in the same AWS account and region.

Confirm the secret value using sst secrets list

$ npx sst secrets list --region us-east-2
PRIVATE_KEY MgCZG7...= (fallback)

$ npx sst secrets list --region us-west-2 --stage prod


The multibase encoded ED25519 keypair used as the signing key for the upload-api.

Generated by @ucanto/principal EdSigner via ucan-key

Example: MgCZG7EvaA...1pX9as=


The HTTP Basic auth token for the UCAN Invocation entrypoint, where UCAN invocations can be stored and proxied to the UCAN Stream.

Example: MgCZG7EvaA...1pX9as=


Dual-licensed under MIT + Apache 2.0