web3devcommunity / you-will-never-rust-alone

Rust Study Group
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Rust Study Group

You will Never Rust Alone 🦀🦀🦀


Join Discord: https://discord.gg/wVDEm7jzJe Events on Meetup.com: https://www.meetup.com/web3devs-community/

Repository https://github.com/web3devscommunity/you-will-never-rust-alone




Ideas to work on


debuggingfuture | ✈️ETH Tokyo🗼 on Twitter


Template (with example)

**What I'm going to do**
- minsweeper
- rustup exercises/move_semantics

**What areas I might need help**
- studying examples for "Move", "Borrow" concept 

**Anything I plan to share**
- Pattern matching in rust (5min)

- https://users.rust-lang.org/t/rust-mutability-moving-and-borrowing-the-straight-dope/22166
- Programming Rust Ch.6

if you have any Questions

Post on #rust discord channel, the group and the mentors will try to get back to you! image

Regroup & Sharings

Template (with example)

**What I did/learnt**
- mechanisms of Macro
- rustlings macros/, Programming Rust Ch 21

**Anything to share**
- 1) On Rust Macro
- Comparing vs decorator https://users.rust-lang.org/t/are-derive-macros-in-rust-similar-to-decorators-in-python/46686
- Anchor's usage https://github.com/coral-xyz/anchor/blob/master/lang/derive/accounts/src/lib.rs
- Macro is really powerful. There are a lot of usage in Solana Anchor framework, 
which helped to make complicated code really clean and easy to understand.
- It's in the category of metaprogramming, while very integrated with the language
(many languages got some, while groovy is a nice example)
- "Macro template are simialr to template language in web, just output rust code" -- p.603 Programming Rust
- I read parts of the book before, but I realize without practice or active project it's a bit hard to remmeber 
or sink in, esp since most of us dont use rust at production. (Thus momentum is really key)
- Basic examples: https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/macros.html
- Deep Dive: https://www.edx.org/course/compilers
- 2) on functional programming vs typescript

**Any Help you need**
- Inspire me with fun macro use cases~~~

We want everyone to practice explaining their code, which is not only abt presentation skills, but think more thoroughly (google "rubber duck debugging")

Community-driven: How to Organize / Logistics the meetup

Try to document such that we could self-organize