webaverse / weba-wallet

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Weba-Wallet - Quick Start Guide


The Weba-Wallet is a secure storage module made specifically for Webaverse Login. Live: https://webaverse.github.io/weba-wallet/

Before You Begin

Before you begin we recommend you read about the basic building blocks that assemble an application:

Quick Install

Once you've installed all basic building blocks, you're just a few steps away from starting to develop your application. To clone and run this repository excute these command using command line:

# Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/webaverse/weba-wallet

# Go into the repository

cd weba-wallet/

Running Your Application

There are 4 ways you can run this website on localhost.

# Pyhton 3

$ python3 -m http.server --cgi 8080


$ php -S localhost:8080


$ npm i -g serve
$ serve

# HTTP-server

$ http-server

Now your website is hosted on 8080

Development Environment Setup

Preffered tool for development is VSCode

Directory Structure


├───    index.html <--- Popup view to get Password
├───    script.js <--- Main file, handling encryption, decryption and localStorage etc.
├───    styles.css <--- Popup styles

Login Flow

App - Wallet Login Flow