webb-tools / webb-dapp

Monorepo for the Webb ecosystem.
Apache License 2.0
29 stars 15 forks source link
blockchain cryptocurrency dapp frontend monorepo
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Webb Monorepo

Decentralized interfaces into the Webb protocol, featuring Tangle Network dApps for MPC-as-a-service restaking infrastructure.

GitHub Workflow Status License Apache 2.0 Follow Tangle on twitter Follow Webb on twitter Telegram Discord

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Getting Started

This monorepo is the cornerstone for decentralized interfaces within the Webb protocol, incorporating a suite of dApps, including the revolutionary Tangle Network applications. These applications are geared towards kickstarting advanced cryptographic developments and innovations in blockchain technology, leveraging multi-party computation (MPC) services and cross-chain capabilities.

It uses nx.dev for fast and extensible building. The apps directory contains the protocol's interfaces while libs contains the necessary code and logic.


This repository makes use of yarn, nodejs, and requires version node v18.12.x. To install node.js binaries, installers, and source tarballs, please visit https://nodejs.org/en/download/. Once node.js is installed you may proceed to install yarn:

  1. Run corepack enable to activate Corepack
  2. Go into your project directory
  3. Run yarn set version 4.2.2

For more information about the migration, you can refer to the Yarn documentation.

Great! Now your Node environment is ready!

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The following instructions outlines how to run Webb Dapp test suite.

To run tests

yarn test

To start Storybook for component library

  1. Install dependencies by yarn

    yarn install
  2. Start the storybook:

    yarn nx storybook webb-ui-components

Visit http://localhost:4400/ to see the Webb Component Library!

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Interested in contributing to the Webb Dapp interface? Thank you so much for your interest! We are always appreciative for contributions from the open-source community!

If you would like to contribute, please refer to our Contribution Guide for instructions. We are excited for your first contribution!

Lint before you push!

Please ensure you lint and format your changes prior to opening a PR.

To lint:

yarn lint

To Format:

yarn format

To Build:

yarn build

Additionally, to ensure commit message consistency, this repository uses commitlint and husky. Please refer to the Commit Message Guidelines for more information.

Without proper linting, formatting, or commit message, husky will prevent you from either committing or pushing your changes.

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Licensed under Apache 2.0 license.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache 2.0 license, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

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Need help?

If you need help or you want to additional information please:

Follow us at Follow Tangle on twitter Follow Webb on twitter Follow Webb on LinkedIn

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