webcore / validation-traits

PHP validation traits
MIT License
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Validation traits

A PHP library/collection of traits aimed to simplify cration of immutable value objects with validation of input value. Basic idea was also inspired by Laravel's Validation trait for Eloquent models and redesign more towards nicolopignatelli/valueobjects

Version 1.0 has less complex attitude on value objects and provide mainly validation via one trait.


Via Composer

composer require webcore/validation-traits


SingleValueObjectInterface define getter method to retrieve value and method for comparing with another value objects implementing this interface.

interface SingleValueObjectInterface
     * @return mixed
    public function getValue();

     * Compare two SingleValueObject and tells whether they can be considered equal
     * @param  SingleValueObjectInterface $object
     * @return bool
    public function sameValueAs(SingleValueObjectInterface $object);

Let's define simple Token class with 3 rules:

class Token implements SingleValueObjectInterface
    use SingleValueObjectTrait, NotEmptyTrait, Base64Trait, LengthTrait;

    protected function validation($value)
        $this->validateLength($value, 64);

And try to create instance of Token with valid and invalid values and compare each other:

use Tester\Assert;

//valid value
$value = str_repeat('BeerNowThere0sATemporarySolution', 2);
$tokenFoo = new Token($value);
Assert::same("BeerNowThere0sATemporarySolutionBeerNowThere0sATemporarySolution", $tokenFoo->getValue());

//compare with another object of same value
$tokenBar = new Token("BeerNowThere0sATemporarySolutionBeerNowThere0sATemporarySolution");
$areSame = $tokenBar->sameValueAs($tokenFoo);

//compare with another object of different value
$value = str_repeat('CraftBeerLovers0', 4); //
$tokenPub = new Token($value);
Assert::same("CraftBeerLovers0CraftBeerLovers0CraftBeerLovers0CraftBeerLovers0", $tokenPub->getValue());
$areSame = $tokenPub->sameValueAs($tokenBar);

//invalid values
    function () {
        new Token(null);
    "Token must be not empty"

    function () {
        new Token("InvalidTokenLength123456789");
    "Token must be 64 characters long"

    function () {
        $value = str_repeat('?!@#$%^&', 8);
        new Token($value);
    "Token must be valid base_64"

MIT license

Copyright (c) 2016, Štefan Peťovský